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I took in a sharp breath. What the hell was happening right now? “I’m...I’m going to take the couch. should get some sleep.”

I stood, and she did the same. “I thought you said you wanted me.”

My head fell forward. Fuck! I didn’t want to put any more cracks in her fragile spirit, but I needed to let her know this was a bad idea. She stepped closer, resting her hands on the waistband of my jeans.

“Baby, I do, but tonight is not the right time. You’re emotional, it’s been a long night—”

One hand wandered to the front of my pants and stroked the outline of my cock. Rational thought flew out the window.

She stretched up, placing a kiss on my chin. “That’s exactly why I need to. I don’t want to be scared anymore. I want you to make love to me,” she said, slowly unzipping my pants until my dick sprang free.

“Baby, please, it’s too soon.”

Her warm hand wrapped around my throbbing cock and slid down the length at a tortuously slow pace, drawing a low groan from me and cutting off my objection.

“It’s been two years, Malcolm. Two years of me hiding. Two years of me being ashamed. Two years of dealing with the nightmares and memories of everything that happened. I need to be reminded that it’s not about pain and anger. Please, Malcolm,” she begged softly. “I need you to remind me, to show me what’s good. Let me feel your love.”

Those last words were my undoing. I leaned down to kiss her. Her hand abandoned my dick, and she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissing me with a desperate passion. We walked back toward the bed, breaking from the kiss when my legs hit the mattress. I took a seat on t

he edge of the bed. She stood between my legs, gently chewing on her bottom lip. I watched her face for signs of distress as I ran my hands under her shirt. When I started to lift it off, Calida leaned to turn off the light, but I stopped her.

“I want to see you.”

She shook her head.

“Yes, baby. You said no more hiding.”

Taking a deep breath, Calida closed her eyes before lifting her shirt over her head, and dropping it to the floor. I stared at her as she stood before me topless. Her breasts rose and fell with the steady breaths she took. Her nipples were tight, rosy buds begging to be sucked. She was beautiful, but as my eyes journeyed farther north, I saw she was terrified. Her eyes remained closed, and her lips were pressed together in a tight line.

I put my hands on her waist, bringing her closer. “Look at me…Ginger.”

She gasped and her eyes popped open. “You…you said you wouldn’t call me that.”

“I’m taking back what’s mine.”

I took a risk bringing up that name. I couldn’t call her by it after hearing how he’d used it against her. He’d hurt her because of our connection. Because of me. I didn’t want to bring her any more bad memories, but hearing that she perceived my behavior differently than intended, I needed to reclaim it. For both of us.

I kept my hands planted firmly on her waist. “You want to remember the good. That name is yours. It’s ours. So, remembering the good needs to include the cleansing of that name.”

She swiped at a stray tear that rolled down her cheek and gave me a lovely smile with a subtle nod of her head. My Ginger.

“You are beautiful, breathtakingly so.”

“You’re just saying that to get into my pants,” she joked.

I let out a low laugh. Joking was good. “Is it working?” I asked, trying to keep the tone as she’d set it.

She nodded. “I think so,” she whispered.

Keeping eye contact, my hands moved down to the waistband of her shorts. With slow movements, I pulled them and her underwear down, revealing the triangle of red hair. I swallowed hard and felt a trickle of liquid run down the tip of my cock.

I slid back on the bed, kicking off my pants. She moved to straddle me. The curly hairs between her legs tickled the tip of my dick. It twitched in anticipation of what was to come. Ginger leaned forward, kissing me. I grabbed her ass. I wanted to push her down. I ached to feel the warmth of her body surrounding mine, but I refrained. She needed to take the lead. To be the one in control from start to finish.

With one arm wrapped around her waist, I used my free hand to cup her breast. My thumb drew circles around the erect nipple. When she broke from the kiss, I leaned down, closing my lips around the rosy bud. She moaned in response then lowered herself down just enough to allow the tip into her body.

I abandoned her breasts to look at her, she lowered herself a bit more, wincing as she did.

“Are you okay?”

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