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His big shoulders hiked, lips fitting together in a blunt line. “Don't see how it can be any different. You know how I feel about her.”

I breathed in through my nose, glancing away for a beat, before meeting his eyes. “What about how she feels?”

He lurched forward. “What the fuck do you know about how my girlfriend feels?”

A harsh laugh broke through my lips. “She was never your girlfriend, and you goddamn know it. I've held off, but we both know what she wants. Who she wants. Don’t fucking stand there and act like you haven’t know it all along.”

“You fucking asshole.”

One of my eyebrows hooked up. “You think I'm wrong?”

“I think you're supposed to be my best fucking friend,” he snarled. “You gonna choose pussy over that?”

I bristled, his words striking a nerve in a way I didn’t fully comprehend. “She's not just any pussy, Le. I wouldn’t be standing here if she were.”

He snorted. “Don't dress it up like you want more than what's inside those panties, dickhead.”

“Don't fucking tell me what I want.” I met his glare with one of my own.

His forehead creased, face incredulous. “You’re… are you saying you fucking like her?”

I held onto his stare but didn't answer. I didn't know what I wanted from Riley, but I wanted... something. And Leon would have to get on board. She didn’t want him; never fucking had.

“So, you're choosing her over fifteen years of friendship?”

“It doesn't have to be one or the other.”

He scoffed, pushing away. “Yeah, it does.” Face twisted in contempt, he glanced away briefly, before coming back with a glower. “She worth it?”

I looked him dead in the eyes. “Don't fucking push this, Le... you won't like the answer.”

“Nice. You know what? You're a damn prick. And you can spew whatever BS you want… you and I know you just want a taste of what I've already had.”

My vision turned red. “One more fucking word...”

“Yeah? Here's two... Fuck. You.” He spat the words as he shoved me.

My eyebrows pinched. “Don’t fucking do it, Le.”

Ire burned in his eyes as he pulled his arm back.

Goddamn. I blew out a resigned breath, squared my shoulders, and waited for it.

His fist shot forward.



“Did you hear Reno beat the shit out of Leon last night?”

My head whipped round to Liss, mouth agape. “What! Why?”

She shrugged, picking at her sandwich. “Not sure, babe. Happened outside of Beats’. There’s a video circulating.”

Beats' Burgers, owned by the most miserable old crank in Claremont, Mr. Beatty. Best shakes in town, though. Not that I got to taste them anymore. Beatty had barred school kids... because of all the fights. Thing was, though, it sat on the corner opposite Brett Renner's auto repair shop, not a smart choice of location for Ren to throw down. Especially with Leon. Must have been something big. The thought unsettled me.

I frowned, shifting my gaze around the room. Neither Reno nor Leon were anywhere in sight. I'd barely seen Leon in the days since our little... misunderstanding. He was avoiding me, and not even trying to be subtle about it.

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