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“You and I know, I don't need any tricks to get laid. Pussy comes to me.”

God, he was insufferable! Laying my clenched fists against his chest, I shoved him, moving him less than an inch for my efforts. He smirked down at me. I hated that I wanted to kiss it off his gorgeous face.

“Urgh! You're a conceited asshole. Pussy comes to me,” I mimicked his voice.

A short chuckle rumbled from his chest as he looked down at me, infuriatingly unruffled. “Am I lying?”

“Screw you!”

Reno’s hands circled my wrists and pinned my arms above my head before I knew what had happened. His torso pressed into mine hard enough to crush vital organs. God, I loved it. The feel of him pressed against me. I fucking loved it. My chest swelled with a heavy intake of breath. My hips rolled of their own accord. When I tried to swallow, my throat felt dry and clogged.

Unlike his normally cool, collected facade, when my lust-addled gaze lifted to his, his dark eyes simmered with a burning intensity, the heat blazing from within them promised to melt me from the inside out.

“Reno,” I started, but he pushed himself further into me and my eyes shot wide. I bit my lip. I could feel him. Hard and big against my stomach. Talking suddenly seemed like a physical impossibility.

“I can have sex with any girl. Any time. Including you,” he murmured softly.

I couldn't even balk at the sheer arrogance of his claim. Couldn't lash out at the audacity. It was true. I closed my eyes, partly to shutter them from him, partly because I was starting to fall apart. He was breaking me down. He was right: he didn't have to promise me anything. It wouldn't take much more, and I'd fold like a deck of cards. Which meant I had to fight back. I had to try, goddammit.

“You're right, if you wear me down enough, I'll give in.” Smoldering eyes bored triumphantly into mine, while mine filled with tears. “But please don't make me,” I whispered.

He inhaled sharply, his chest expanding against mine. I wanted him so much it hurt. Physically, emotionally. It ached. I was too vulnerable, too exposed.

I might crave him; I might even love him... but I didn't want to.



Well, she sucked the fun right out of that. Exhaling slowly, I eased back, releasing my hold on her wrists.

Riley’s big, green eyes glazed over, a multitude of emotions I couldn't decipher swimming in them. It wasn’t difficult to pick out her fear, to see how terrified she was. Of me, of herself, of wanting something so badly. And she did. Her body told me everything I already knew, even if she never would.

I wouldn’t force her into admitting it, but I couldn’t curtail the disappointment that rolled through me. I'd put her off limits for so long and had ever

y intention of keeping her that way. Turned out I was majorly fucking deluded.

With Leon's ass out of the way, my brain shifted. I'd walked out of the locker room, leaving Leon a broken wreck of a man, and caught sight of her walking down the hallway. It was like the ding, ding, ding in the ring. Suddenly she was available to me in a way she’d never been before, and the fight was on. I didn't want anyone else to have her; then it had to be me. And if that meant hurtling into unknown territory, it was worth it.

But fighting off other guys didn't seem to be my biggest problem right now. It was fighting the girl. What a head-fuck. I'd given myself the go ahead, made my intentions clear to Leon, out of respect for our friendship, because we both knew she'd always been mine. Apparently, he hadn't seen things that way, so the conversation had ended with us throwing fists. After he’d landed the first punch.

And after all that, she was the damn roadblock.

Riley wanted me as much as I wanted her. I knew it. Leon knew it. Every fucker knew it. She was putty in my hands. Soft, malleable.

I'd never had to beg a chick for sex, though; damned if I would start now.

“Okay, Ri. Have it your way.”

Her visible sigh of relief was a punch to the gut, but I kept my features in check, aside from the muscle ticking in my jaw. I wasn't fucking made of stone. And a girl being relieved she didn't have to have sex with me? Yeah, I wasn't down for that shit. Why did I even bother? There was a ton of pussy clamouring for my dick. Why was I chasing tail that didn't want it? All the girls throwing themselves at me, and I wanted the one that wouldn't.

Was it the challenge, the thrill of the chase, or was it just Riley?

Fuck if I knew.

What I did know was how to push Riley Mason's buttons. I saw it in her eyes every time Raya sank that ass down on me. And I had no qualms about playing dirty. I’d push every one of her buttons if it got her to come to me. Because these days, I couldn't think about anyone or anything else, and if she was tying me in knots, I was sure as fuck gonna tangle her up with me.

“Happy Thanksgiving,” I murmured against the soft rise of her cheekbone, dropping a chaste kiss there. Then I turned and walked away, leaving her with her back plastered to the trash housing, and her breath panting like a train. By rights, I should have had her pinned to that fucking fence with my dick. If she'd just give in to what she so clearly wanted. I shook my head and adjusted my jeans.

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