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‘You might find some use for this, too,’ he said, wrapping her fingers around the small foil packet.

She blushed when she opened her hand and saw what it was. ‘I—yes, I probably will,’ she stammered.

‘You started this game, honey,’ he purred. ‘Maybe you’re not quite as brazen as you want me to think you are.’

She tossed her head and strode to the bedside, placing the condom down beside the bottle of champagne. With a flourish she ripped back the navy covers and threw them to the bottom of the bed. ‘Face down on the bed, please.’

He paused with one knee on the edge of the mattress, putting the towel to indecent strain and revealing a flash of dark hair against the pale skin of his groin. ‘As I recall, the last time you invited me to have a massage I ended up tied to the bed.’

‘Lie down, please,’ she said sternly, sliding a pillow under his shoulders as he settled on his stomach, his face turned towards her on the white sheet.

Her hands went to the zip at the back of her waist and she watched the ripple of tension invade his entire body. ‘What are you doing?’

‘I don’t want to get any lotion on my new skirt.’ She took it off and placed it—neatly folded—on the bureau.

He gave a tortured groan when she strolled back to stand by the head of the bed. ‘You wicked tease…’

She smoothed a finger down the white lace suspender that secured her gauzy stocking, and back up to the high-cut side of her white silk thong. ‘Not at all. It’s a matter of practicality,’ she lied. ‘Stockings are much cooler than pantyhose in the summer.’

‘What about your top?’ he said slyly. ‘You don’t want to get lotion on that, either.’

‘I think I’ll leave that on…for now.’ She poured lotion on her hands and stroked them together in front of his fascinated gaze, hoping he would not notice that they were trembling.

Instructing him to fold his arms out to his sides, she leaned over and placed her hands against the nape of his neck, just below the occipital bone. It didn’t take her long to identify the congested bands of muscle, and she began to use long strokes to create a deep friction that made him moan with pleasurable pain. Progressing slowly over his back with a gradually increasing pressure, she bent into her work, enjoying the sensuous slide of her thumbs as they dug into the pressure points and worked out the tightness on either side of his spine.

‘Oh, God, that feels good!’ he muttered.

‘I haven’t even begun,’ she promised throatily, her hand going to his towel.

He tensed as she dragged it off, and uttered a hiss of shock as she climbed onto the bed, straddling his naked thighs and beginning to knead his clenched buttocks, hooking her strong fingers deeply into the gluteal muscles. He buried his face in the sheet, uttering another groan, his arms contracting around the pillow under his chest.

She admired him with her hands as well as her eyes, free to gloat over her enticing prize. He was so wonderfully, indisputably male, his skin so fine-grained as it curved over the flexing muscle, and lightly dusted with a mist of dark hair that vanished into the intriguing crease between his buttocks. She traced it lightly with one very unprofessional finger.

Sweat broke out on his back. ‘Oh, God, Rachel, what are you doing to me…?’

‘Shh,’ she murmured, as she pushed the heel of her hand against the swell of his buttock and began to rock against his hip with her full weight. ‘I think you have some serious chronic tension here…let me see what I can do to relieve it…’

‘I can tell you, you’re making it ten times worse!’ he groaned as she continued to stroke him, compressing his hips rhythmically into the bed. ‘Much more of this and I’m in danger of exploding like that champagne bottle!’

He reared up when he felt the warm press of lips in the hollow at the base of his spine and the moist flick of a tongue. ‘I bet that’s not in any damned massage manual,’ he gasped.

‘It’s in my manual,’ murmured Rachel, propping herself over him on her hands and knees as she kissed her way slowly up his long spine. ‘My love manual,’ she teased. ‘Turn over,’ she whispered in his ear, before easing aside to let him make the move.

‘I hope you’re prepared to take the consequences,’ he said, rolling boldly onto his back. His colour was high, his eyes challenging as he watched her assess the bold thrust of his manhood, jutting from the dark fur in his loins.

‘Oh, yes…’ Rachel felt a gush of heat between her legs. With a rough sound Matt grabbed her by the arms and pulled her down against his chest.

‘Aren’t you going to finish what you started?’ he demanded, dragging her thighs on either side of his and wedging her tight against the thrusting boldness. He slid his hand up into her hair and tugged, guiding her mouth down to his, biting kisses against her soft lips as he said harshly, ‘I love the feel of your hands on me…your mouth…your body…everything about you. I want everything you have to give…’

She struggled upright, feeling the thick heaviness of him butting against the fragile silk thong, aware of the musky scent of his arousal mingling with the sharp fragrance of the lotion she had massaged into his back. She squirmed against him, frantic with excitement, driving herself closer to the very edge of sensual endurance. Her head tipped back, her eyes closing as she stroked his chest, overflowing with love and longing, not caring that she was no longer playing her part. She wanted him, she loved him, she didn’t want to wait any longer to make herself irrevocably part of him…

‘Isn’t it time for you take off your jacket?’ he wondered, and she drew his hand to the lowest toggle.

‘Here, you do it…’

He was clumsy, too eager. ‘These are too little…my hands are shaking like crazy…’

‘So are mine.’ She showed him, laughing down at him as he fumbled at his task.

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