Page 35 of The Sister Swap

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‘Good, neither do I,’ he said, so smoothly that she knew she had just been manipulated, and when she opened her mouth to remonstrate so did he…right over the top of hers.

His mouth was rough and urgent and suddenly the entire length of his body was grinding her sweetly against the tree, his legs crowding against hers, his shoes tangling with her high heels, and impatiently nudging them further apart as he narrowed his stance so that the anchor for her spinning universe was the sharp thrust of his hips.

Anne felt the snag of her pretty jacket against the small splits in the bark at her back but couldn’t bring herself to care. What was a ruined dress compared to such bliss? She slid her palms across his silky shirt-front and around his back under his satin-lined jacket. Every inch of him felt taut and aroused and she revelled in the smothering heat that enveloped her as she surrendered to his extravagant demands. He kept her hard up against the tree, as if he was afraid she would escape if he eased the pressure of his body, but Anne was in no danger of running anywhere but headlong into pleasure.

His mouth moved from her hot mouth to her jaw, her throat and the soft curve of her breasts above the strapless dress. Like the subtle rain his touch was moist and mystical, at once soothing and arousing. His thick hair brushed the underside of her chin as he bent to her body, and the hands that had earlier caged her ran rest- lessly up and down her sides, settling at last on her hips and dragging them forward into the centre of his need. Instinctively Anne lifted her knee, not even feeling the shoe slip off her foot and bounce into the gutter as she pressed the inside of her thigh against his lean flank, like a rider trying to sense the next move of a powerful, unruly stallion.

He made a thick, greedy sound and immediately slid his hand into the crook of her raised knee, tugging it higher on his hip so that he could settle more securely between her legs, trailing his hand up the back of her thigh to cup the curve of her buttock, its smooth roundness tautened by her wanton pose.

His aggression instantly slowed and altered as he made the intimate, unhurried journey over and over again, caressing her thigh and massaging Anne subtly against his rocking hips until she echoed the incoherent sound that he had made, feeling the velvety friction against her bare skin build up into an explosive frustration. She wrapped her leg around him, trying to capture the elusive sensation with the supple flexibility of her body.

Another car passed and even though they were protected by the tree’s night shadow Anne felt exposed by the brief wash of light against her closed eyelids. She didn’t want to stop but she longed to touch Hunter the way that he was touching her, under his clothes…

She clenched her hand in his hair and choked, ‘Hunter, please—’

His answer was to return to her mouth, smothering her murmured protest. ‘Please what? Aren’t you burning yet, Anne? I am,’ he growled huskily.

‘We’re in the street—’

He stroked that same, knowing path with his large hand. ‘I’ve never made love standing up…’ he said into the moist cavern of her mouth.

Anne was momentarily diverted. ‘Haven’t you?’ she asked shakily, conscious of the fact that he saw her as a sexy woman of the world and that it wouldn’t do to sound shocked. She settled for a vague rendition of the truth…which he would soon discover for himself if things went much further! ‘Well, there’s a first time fo

r everything.’ Her voice sank another sultry octave as she made the honest vow, ‘And I can promise you’ll experience a lot of firsts with me…’

‘I look forward to it.’ He licked at the leaping pulse in her throat, a tiny lash of fire. ‘I’ve always been conservative in matters of sex…until now.’ His finger traced the delicate line of her panties as he watched her face, avidly enjoying her flagrant response. ‘You arouse some very radical desires, but I’m sure you know that. I suppose you’re used to driving men to extremes…’

She shivered as the pad of his finger threatened the integrity of the lace-trimmed elastic. If he could make her feel like this she would agree to anything. His hair was thick and silky between her fingers and she inadvertently tightened them again.

‘Oh, yes, I do it all the time,’ she said hoarsely, arching back against the tree, almost forgetting her misgivings about their lack of privacy until she caught sight of a white car looming out of the misty rain, slowing abruptly as the headlights picked out her lone shoe lying in the gutter.

‘Uh, Hunter—’ She struggled to wrest her leg from his grasp.


‘Hunter, let me go!’ She didn’t dare struggle when he ignored her ragged plea. ‘Hunter, for goodness’ sake-it’s the police!’

She almost fell as he jerked upright at her furious hiss. The blue-striped passenger door of the police car opened and Anne hurriedly tried to smooth down her crumpled dress and re-pin her collapsing hair as a uniformed officer stepped out.

‘Are you all right, miss?’

‘Uh, yes, fine. Just fine!’ said Anne brightly, limping away from the tree, conscious of the other officer behind the wheel observing their encounter with his partner.

‘Is this your shoe?’ He bent to pick it up, not taking his wary eyes off Hunter.

She took the proffered shoe and wobbled on one foot as she slipped it back on. ‘Yes, thank you, it fell off when I—when we—that is, when we…’ She became conscious of Hunter standing stiffly at her side and nudged him sharply to indicate that she needed some cooperation.

‘When we got a bit carried away,’ he responded rather too obligingly.

The young policeman looked from Anne’s dishevelled figure to Hunter’s tense expression and relaxed slightly. ‘Been out for the evening together, sir? Know the lady well, do you?’

Even a naïve country girl could see the trend of his questions, and Anne was instantly outraged.

‘He didn’t pick me up on the street if that’s what you’re implying!’ she snapped. ‘We live just up the road—we’ve been down to the waterfront to eat.’

‘I see.’ The young man’s smile was close enough to a smirk to be even more annoying.

‘For your information his mother happens to be baby-sitting for us,’ Anne stressed very loudly. ‘We’re two perfectly respectable citizens taking an evening stroll and minding our own, perfectly innocent business—’

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