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The sound of a spoon against crystal rang across the ballroom. King Carlos had stepped up to the front of the room.

“Ladies and gentlemen, might I have your attention?” Instantly, the ballroom went silent.

“Arianna asked me to refrain from formal toasts and speeches during last evening’s dinner, and as you all know, while I rule Corinthia, she rules me.” Low laughter rippled through the crowd. Rosa sneaked a look at Armando and saw he hadn’t cracked a smile. “However, I cannot let this evening end without saying a few words, not as your king, but as a father.”

The king’s smile softened. “This family has seen its share of loss over the past few years. My wife. Princess Christina.” At the sound of her sister’s name, Rosa looked to the floor.

“But now, as I look at the faces around the room and I see the smile on my daughter’s beautiful face, my heart is filled with so much hope. Hope for new beginnings. Hope for the next generation, and the generations of Santoros to come. I’ve never been prouder of my children. Just as I am proud of my newest son, Maxwell. I hope also to add a new daughter soon as well.” Everyone but she and Armando looked in Mona’s direction. Armando kept his attention on his father, while Rosa lifted her eyes to watch Armando.

“I am getting older,” the king continued. “Older and tired. There may come a day in the future when I decide to step down.”

A gasp could be heard in the crowd. King Carlos held up a hand. “No need to be upset. I’m not worried. Because I see the people who will be taking my place, and I couldn’t be more pleased.”

The rest of his toast was a flurry of well wishes for Arianna and Max. At least that was what she assumed. Armando had turned to her, and she found herself transfixed by his blue stare. I’m sorry, his eyes were saying. I have no choice.

All Rosa could hear were the words she’d convinced herself he wasn’t going to say. I love you. A lifetime and she wouldn’t hear three more beautiful words.

She loved him, too.

What was she going to do come Monday? And the Monday after that? What about when Armando announced his engagement? Knowing he loved her might sound wonderful today, but how was she going to face him day in and day out when he belonged to someone else?

Simple answer was, she couldn’t. Not without the self-esteem she’d worked so hard to rebuild crumbling into pieces again.

There was only one answer.


“ALL ARE ONE...” The last words of the Corinthian national anthem rose from the crowd gathered below the balcony. Arianna and Max had been officially presented as a royal couple.

Leaving Father and the happy couple to greet their well wishers, Armando stepped back inside. There was only so much joy a man could take, and he had met his limit.

He was happy for his sister, truly he was, but if he had to watch her and Max gaze into each other’s eyes a second longer, he would scream.

A few moments alone in the empty gallery would clear his head. Then he would be ready to tackle the rest of Christmas Day. Mona and her father were joining the celebration. Another day being reminded of the hole he’d dug himself into. At least he’d apologized to Rosa, taking that guilt off his shoulders. Somewhat. He doubted he would ever be completely guilt-free.

Because part of him would never regret kissing her.

To his surprise, Rosa was in the gallery when he entered, studying one of the china cabinets. One look and his energy returned, even if she was wearing one of those ridiculous long blazers he hated. He hadn’t expected to see her for a few days. He’d wanted to—oh, Lord, had he wanted to—but common sense had made a rare appearance and suggested otherwise. If he went to her apartment, he would be tempted to pull her into his arms. Much like he was tempted right now.

When she saw him, she smiled. “Merry Christmas,” she greeted.

Something wasn’t right. He could tell by the sound of her voice. “The crowd sounds thrilled with their princess’s new husband” she said.

“So it would seem. If I were a gambling man, I would bet Max embraces his royal role very quickly.”

“That would be good for Corinthia.”

“Yes.” That was what mattered, wasn’t it? The best for Corinthia? “What are you doing here?” he asked. The question came out more accusatory than he meant. “I thought you were helping out at the shelter this afternoon.”

“I wanted to come by and give you your Christmas present.” She pointed to a wrapped box on the seat of a nearby chair.

Armando walked over and fingered the cheerful silver bow. He didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t worry, it’s not booby-trapped, I promise,” she said. A halfhearted attempt to shake off the awkward atmosphere.

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