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They lay down, and he took her mouth once again in a mind drugging kiss. His hands ran over her curves, stroking her, sending shivers racing over her heated flesh. She began her own exploration, caressing his broad shoulders, his hard back, ending as she daringly cupped his buttocks, amazed at the difference between her soft body and his hard one.

Heidi floated, entirely caught up in the sensations Michael created. An inner part of her clenched and unclenched, and moisture gathered between her thighs. Michael’s hand cupped her there, humming approval at the dampness he’d found. She jumped when he parted her curls and his finger slid into her body.

“Don’t tense up, sweetheart, let me love you.” He whispered in her ear, and then sucked lightly on her earlobe.

His words sent a jolt of pleasure through her. She shifted her hand from where she grasped his back, and moving forward, touched the length of him pressing against her belly. When her fingers wrapped around the satin covered steel, he groaned her name, and added another finger to her opening, moving his fingers in and out, circling.

Sweat broke out on her body, mixed with his, so their flesh slid against each other. His thumb circled a part of her above his fingers, and gently massaged. He kissed her, stroking her mouth with his tongue, sliding it in and out, like the movements of his hand. Heidi panted, and stretched, reached for something. She moved her head back and forth. Something deep inside was building, teasing her.

“Relax, honey, let it come.”

Let what come? What could he mean? It must be something wonderful, as her muscles tightened, and what she reached for got closer and closer. Michael leaned up on one elbow, and continued his ministrations, as he gazed at her. He scattered light kisses on her forehead, her eyes, her nose, her mouth. “Let go,” he breathed.

No sooner had the words left his mouth, than Heidi’s body exploded. Waves of pleasure washed over her, and a voice she didn’t recognize called his name. Once, twice, three times. As her muscles relaxed, her hands droppe

d from his arms where she’d gripped him. He kissed her once more, and moved over her body, nudging her legs apart with his knee.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to hurt you, but only for a moment.” He slowly entered, her flesh still tingling from pleasure, until he met resistance. He touched her cheek with two fingers, and forced her to look him in the eyes.

“So sorry, honey.” His mouth covered hers as he pushed forward, and a sharp pain shot through her. Heidi whimpered as tears rushed to her eyes, and rolled down her cheek.

Michael held still, and after barely a minute, the pain ended. The fullness felt unfamiliar, but quite nice. He began to slide in and out, slowly, gently, all the while whispering encouragement in her ear. His teeth nibbled at her earlobe, then he blew on it, the sensation of his warm breath creating shivers.

As Michael settled into a steady rhythm, Heidi moved her hips, and met him thrust for thrust. His right hand found her left, and clasped it.

“I apologize. I’ve wanted you for so long, I won’t last,” he muttered as he buried his head in her shoulder. A few more thrusts, then he pulled her close as spurts of warm liquid poured into her.

He spread kisses over her sweat dampened forehead, and her eyelids, and her tears. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I must be heavy.” He rolled off, cuddling her to his body. The pounding of his heart throbbed against her ear, echoing her own beat. Heidi took in large gulps of air, and turned to look at him. Michael met her gaze, eyes shining, his lips curved in a soft smile. Did she look the same way, back at him?

Chapter Nineteen

Michael regarded Heidi, lying there, flushed and sated. Love shone from her eyes, as he assumed his did too. There didn’t seem to be any point in fighting the inevitable anymore. He loved her, wanted her forever, body and soul. The vow he’d made to himself was finished. Heidi belonged to him, would always be his.

“I want you to stay here forever, but your mother will return sometime soon. I prefer she not find you in my bed.” His finger drew lazy circles around her nipple.

Heidi sighed. “I don’t think I can walk.”

“Are you sore?” He frowned as he ran his hand up her arm.

She shook her head. “No. Well, maybe a little, but my legs feel like rubber.” She giggled and raised one leg, then dropped it down. “See?”

Michael wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her fully on top of him. The waves of her hair fell over them like a curtain of blonde wavy silk.

“I’d much rather undress you, but I’ll be a gentleman and help you dress.” He kissed the tip of her turned-up nose. “Wait here for a minute.”

He rose and padded across the room, where he dipped a cloth into the bowl of water sitting on his dresser, and brought it to her. Gently, he washed the blood and semen from her legs, laid the cloth against her body to ease the soreness.

“I wish we had hours to spend.” He removed the cloth and kissed her tenderly. Reluctantly, they left the warmth and comfort of his bed, and dressed. Hand in hand, they descended the stairs, two lovers savoring the intimacy and closeness of their lovemaking.

Bundled up from the cold, now that the sun had set, Michael led Heidi to his buggy and helped her in, tucking the wool blanket around her. He leapt onto his seat, and they set out for Heidi’s home.

She rested against his shoulder, and he leaned his cheek on the top of her head. After stopping in front of Mrs. Wilson’s well-lit house, he walked her to the door, and placed his hands on her shoulders. Leaning down, he kissed her gently on her lips. “Goodnight, my love.”

“’Night.” She laid her palm on his cheek, then turned and entered the house, closing the door softly.

Michael whistled as he snapped the reins, and headed for home. His life had taken a significant turn. Instead of the fear he’d expected, he felt lighthearted, free. No more bitterness shackled him. He loved Heidi. He would speak with her father, and then propose to her. They would have a very short engagement, since he knew he couldn’t keep his hands off her, and the chance of a baby left something to consider.

A baby. He’d hadn’t thought about the possibility in years. A wife, a family. A little girl with huge blue eyes and blonde curls. He smiled. Yes, life would be different from now on.

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