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Anger shot through him. What in heaven’s name possessed Eric Connors to offer a saloon job to a skittish woman like Miss Lester? Certainly he wouldn’t expect her to entertain men upstairs in Miss Lizzy’s Bordello!

“What I intended to say is, although I’m not sure about hiring you, I’m willing to try you for a week to see how you work out. Would that be acceptable?”

She quickly sat up, her eyes bright. “Yes, yes. A trial period would be fine.” Her mouth broke into a huge grin, and she wiped sweat off her upper lip.

What a transformation. Her smile changed an already pretty face into a beautiful one. The twinkle in her eyes, and her full lips revealing straight white teeth, sent his pulse racing. Something twisted in his middle he hadn’t allowed himself to feel in years.

He cleared his throat. “You understand you’ll have to speak with the customers?”

“I realize that.”

Michael stood. “I’ll need you to come in tomorrow at nine o’clock. We’re open from nine-thirty until six o’clock. You will have one half hour for lunch. We’re also open half a day on Saturday from nine-thirty until noon. Can you work those hours?”

“Yes. That’s fine.” She hopped up so quickly, she nearly upended her chair. Michael grabbed it before it tumbled to the ground.

“I’ll be here first thing in the morning. Thank you so much.” She grabbed his hand, and almost shook it off his arm.

Michael led her to the front of the store, unlocked the door and let her out. “See you tomorrow.”

“Yes, thank you very much. I’ll be here. Thank you again.” She backed away, then turned and walked into a light post.

“Miss Lester!”

“I’m fine.” She rubbed her forehead, adjusted her hat, and hurried away.

Michael shook his head. Strange woman. Hopefully he didn’t just commit a huge error of judgment.


Heidi grinned and the giggle inside her erupted. She had a job! She had to stop herself from shouting, or skipping.

Perhaps she’d needed to tell a little lie to be hired. Since the job didn’t require her to sew, her dishonesty shouldn’t matter in the long run. The lie about the milliner shop popped out of her mouth before she even thought about it. Mr. Henderson didn’t seem the type to hire a woman who’d never worked a day in her life.

Things were working out. She had a nice room in a lovely house, and a job. For the first time in her twenty-three years, she depended on no one but herself. A quick count of the coins in her purse assured her she could stop at the coffee shop and purchase something to eat. In a week she would be paid.

She frowned. She never asked what the wages were. Well, no matter, Mrs. Wilson didn’t charge much for her room, and Heidi had plenty of clothes. Food would be her only expense.

Her lips broke into a smile again, and her heart sped up. She actually did it. All on her own, with no one telling her what to do. Wouldn’t they all be surprised to see her now? Her parents, Clarence, his mother. Especially his mother. The woman who’d told her more than once Heidi must marry her son because she could never look after herself, and no other man would have her.

She hurried the two blocks to the coffee shop. Warmth surrounded her as she stepped into the cheerful restaurant. Old Mrs. Bonner, whom she’d met her first day in Guthrie, waved after she delivered plates to a woman and small child. Heidi’s stomach growled as she took a seat at a small table near the blazing stove. Relaxed, now that her ordeal had ended, she inhaled deeply and unbuttoned her coat.

“What can I get fer ya, sweetie?” Honey, the waitress with the brassy red hair who’d told her about the Help Wanted sign in the drug store, stood next to her, pad and pencil in hand.

“I would like some of the chicken noodle soup, please. And a few crackers.”

“Is a bowl of soup all you’re gonna eat for supper?”

“I have to watch my money. I won’t receive my first pay for another week.” She grinned.

Honey’s smile revealed a chipped tooth in front. “Girl, did you get that job at the drug store?”

Heidi nodded excitedly. “Yes I did. Mr. Henderson hired me to work as a clerk in his store. Isn’t that wonderful?”

“Sweetie pie, your news is the best I’ve had all day. I’ll tell you what. I’ll bring you extra crackers to celebrate your new job.”

“Thanks. I’m really excited.” No matter how hard she tried, Heidi couldn’t stop smiling.

After Honey left, she sat back and watched the other diners. Everyone here had jobs. She belonged. A normal person. No one looking at her would ever guess she had something wrong with her.

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