Page 5 of Choose Your Heart

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He stretched out his long legs and crossed his arms. She seemed in quite a hurry to be done with him. He’d take her to a motel, and try very hard to coax a phone number out of her. He glanced around, seeing the honky tonk through her eyes. Kerry sure as hell didn’t belong in a place like this. Ma was right. If you’re gonna meet the right girl, go to the right places.

Well, Ma, I might have met the right girl, but she’s headin’ south.

“Hey, Damian?” Gus leaned over the bar and shouted above the twangy wails coming from the jukebox. “Do me a favor, would ya?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

The bartender wiped his hands on a towel and came around the counter. “A while ago, Bev asked if she could leave cause she weren’t feelin’ good.”

Damian nodded for him to continue.

The old man slung the cloth over his shoulder and placed his hands on his hips. “I just looked out the window, and her car is still in the parkin’ lot.” He waved his arm around. “With her gone, Marshall off tonight, and Kiera out of town, I can’t leave to check on her.”

Concerned for the waitress, Damian was pushing his chair back before Gus finished. “No problem, I’ll take a look.” He snapped his fingers and turned back. “When the girl I came with returns from the ladies room, let her know where I went.”

He elbowed his way through the gathering crowd, side-stepping cowgirls looking for action. The humidity covered him like a blanket when he stepped outside. He gave a quick look around, and headed for Bev’s Jeep. She appeared to be sleeping, her head thrown back, her eyes closed.

Damian tapped on the window. “Bev?”

She stirred and turned her head toward him. Sweat beaded her forehead, and she grimaced. “Damian?”

“You all right, darlin’?”

She shook her head and gripped the steering wheel, her knuckles turning white. “No. I’,” she panted.

He pulled on the handle. “Open up, honey.”

Bev unlocked the door, then leaned back again. Damian tugged the door open, and his stomach took a tumble. Water puddled at her feet, and she chewed on her bottom lip, a slight moan escaping.

Panic hit him square in the face. He started off, then turned back. “Don’t go anywhere.”

Thinking what a dumb thing to say, he raced toward the building, ripped the door open, and plowed through the crowd. Just as he reached the bar, he eyed Kerry coming from the direction of the ladies’ room, and made a quick detour in her direction.

“What’s the matter?” Her eyes grew wide as he barreled toward her.

“You need to help me.” He grabbed her arm and dragged her across the floor, pushing dancers out of the way.

Kerry pulled back. “Wait a minute. What’s going on? And let go of my arm, you’re hurting me.”

“Labor,” he puffed as he shoved the bar door open.

“Stop.” Kerry dug in her heels. “Tell me what this is about, you’re scaring me.”

Damian took a deep breath as if to calm himself. “I’m sorry. I’ve never had to deal with this before.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “You remember our waitress?”

Kerry nodded. “The pregnant one?”

“Yes. Bev.” He ran his tongue over dry lips and tugged her forward. “Well, she’s about to be not pregnant very soon.”

She sped up. “She’s in labor?”

“Now you got it.” He jogged in front of her, leading the way to Bev’s Jeep.

Kerry opened the door and leaned in. “Hi, Bev. My name is Kerry, and I’m a certified midwife.”

The woman bit down hard on her lips and gave her a slight smile, more of a grimace.

“Right now, I want you to breathe slowly, and I’m going to ask you a few questions. Okay?”

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