Page 318 of Mr. Beast

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Brooke was special. The thought had started deep down in my mind, so silent, but over time it had risen in volume. Now, I found it hard to go even an hour without thoughts of her popping up. Our memories were few but intense.

When I walked in the front door, I saw Brian and Teddy sitting on the couch. What was unusual about the situation is that they were studying and not playing a game. I wondered briefly if I should just go upstairs and mind my own business, but I stayed and cleared my throat.

“Hey, fellas. What’s up?” I asked, trying to sound normal.

“Oh, hey, Austin. You’re home early.”

“Yeah, Brooke is coming over tonight. I want to do the room up right.”

“You need lights,” Brian said, surprising both Teddy and me.

We looked at him sitting on the couch.

“Christmas lights. They’re classic and set a mood. That and music.”

Damn, he did know how to talk!

“Thanks, Brian. You don’t happen to have any extra Christmas lights, do you?”

He smiled and nodded his head.


“Can you get them for me now? She’s coming over soon.”

“Sure,” Brian said.

“Have you guys heard what they’re saying about me online?” I asked as we walked into Brian’s room. He and Teddy shared. It was pretty basic with another TV on one wall. But it had a crack, which is why they constantly played downstairs.

“Yeah,” Teddy said, making eye contact with me. “We know it’s bullshit.”

“Good. I don’t want it affecting anything, you know?”

“You mean with Brooke?”

“With anyone. I respect women. I’m not the player they say I am.”

“We know that man. No one really believes it. Don’t worry. Just focus on you.”


She smiled as soon as she walked into my bedroom and saw the colored lights running around the room, setting some kind of mood.

“Ooh, romantic,” she teased.

I shut the door. Unable to resist any longer, I walked over to her and put my hands on her waist. We made eye contact a moment before I leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

“Now I see your plan.”

“Yeah? You like?”

She nodded her head.

“I do.”

“You know I really care about you, right?” I wondered if she had read some of the tweets, if she believed any of it.

“Austin, yes. I’m sorry I was so cold the other morning. It just all seemed so dumb. Who cares what people post online?”
