Page 315 of Mr. Beast

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“But I wonder if all this hard work will pay off. Do you ever feel that way?”

“You have no idea, but we’ll be fine,” he said in a confident tone.

“You promise?”

“I do.”

He kissed me. The rest of the afternoon, we hung out together in the house he shared with the three other guys. At lunch, he took me to campus for a couple slices. On the way back, I talked him into a stroll through the park.

That night, I stayed in his room. We fell asleep nestled against each other like we had been together for years. My dreams comforted me, confirming my thoughts about Austin being the right man for me.



I woke in the morning before her and once again decided to let her sleep. She laid sprawled on her back, long black hair messy but still so damn cute. As I stood next to the bed, watching her while stretching, my phone buzzed on the nightstand.

She moaned as I snatched it and turned the volume down. Why did I suddenly have two dozen people sending me tweets? I wondered as I stared at the screen. Still in my underwear and nothing else, I went to my desk and sat down.

As I read one or two of the tweets, even more came in. My email inbox blew-up at the same time, with angry subject lines in ALL-CAPS. What the hell? Why were so many people hating on me all of a sudden? I had no answers.

The deluge stopped as quickly as it had started. I tapped the subject line of the final email and read, “You’re a dick, and we’re going to bring you down for your womanizing!” That was it. Nothing else.

I immediately thought about Jocelyn. Was she taking her in-person threats virtual? The fake email address gave me no information. Glancing at a few of the other messages and tweets, a pattern emerged. Someone wanted me to get kicked off the football team.

“Studying already?” Brooke asked from the bed.


I glanced over as she sat up and stretched her arms, breasts bare and beautiful.

“It was a joke. I mean if you are studying that’s cool, I just thought I was the bookworm out of the two of us.”

“No,” I said, frowning. “People are complaining about me online, saying I use women.”


She swung her feet over the edge of the bed and stood up, dressed only in purple panties. I held out my phone as she walked over.

“What am I looking at?”

“It’s your fucking roommate,” I said.

Her eyes opened wide before she turned to grab her shirt from the top of my dresser. I watched as she put it on, not saying a word.

“Well?” I asked.

She turned around to face me.

“Well what?”

“Your roommate has it out for me. This could affect my future career. She went to the coach about me. I thought it was nothing ‘cause you didn’t say anything, but clearly she’s got an issue.”

“Wait she went to your coach? Are you sure?”

“Yeah I saw her at practice. He didn’t say anything, but I know she went about me Brooke. And now this?”

“Is football all you care about?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
