Page 298 of Mr. Beast

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She punched me in the arm.

“Oww,” I said, laughing and rubbing it.

“I’m tough too, you know.”

Introductions were passed out. Everyone, including Trey, didn’t say anything about Brooke showing up with me.

“Women versus men?” I asked.

“We’re going to kick your ass today,” Janet Frost said.

As captain of the women’s track team, she knew how to run.

“Oh, hey, Brooke,” she said as we formed two groups of people in the field.

“Get ready to have some fun, ladies,” Trey said. “We’ll kick off to you.”

“Bring it,” Brooke said confidently. “You boys are going down.”

All I thought about was her going down on me as the guys walked to one end of our makeshift field. Trey stopped and placed the ball on the ground. Eric, the kicker for our team, sent it sailing down toward the group of women.

Brooke grabbed it. I half-expected her to drop to a knee, but instead she sprinted down the field toward us. Game on, I thought, running toward her.

She screamed, dodging Trey and two others who had reached her first. I ran behind her, laughing too hard to be able to catch her.

When she crossed the two trees that signified the goal line, she threw the football to the ground and lifted her arms triumphantly.

I stopped to catch my breath, still smiling from ear to ear. As we played, I forgot all about forgetting her and moving on with my life.

She made life more interesting when she was around. I found it hard to locate any of her faults. We all had them, but in the first pangs of love, they were hard to spot.

Needless to say, the women won the game, with Trey allowing two women to tackle him to the ground and steal his flag, losing it for us. I didn’t care, so happy to be playing with Brooke.

“Great game,” she said, breathing heavy.

“Let’s get a water from the car.”

“There’s a water fountain over there,” she said, pointing outside a bathroom on the far side of the field across from the parking lot.

“It’ll be good to walk it off,” I said. “Let’s go.”

“Walking off might not be all we get to do,” she said.

I turned my head and saw a mischievous grin on her face.

What was she up to now?

At the water fountain, she took a drink. I did the same. She then took my hand and dragged me behind the building and into the trees.

“What are you doing?” I asked.


She stopped next to a tree and bent to her knees on the soft forest floor. I smiled down at her, surprised she would do something so sexy and dangerous.

“Remember, this is all fun and games. No strings attached,” she said.

“Got it.”
