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Digger stretched his thick arms out and cracked his knuckles. Colourful tattoos commemorating moments of their lives rippled over taut muscles. Bones knew his need for a fight was making him twitchy. Slowly his eyes met his and he gave him a quick reluctant nod. King was staring holes into the bathroom door and a low grunt signalled his acceptance.


He couldn’t move his eyes from the bathroom door. He needed to focus on something or he would lose it. He had himself convinced that their angel would drown in tub if he wasn’t paying attention to every movement he could hear. She was getting out of the bath as he saw Bones move downstairs.

His whole body tensed in anticipation of having her in his arms again. He wasn’t use to dealing with delicate situations, he was much more acquainted with the bulldozer effect, and every fibre of his being wanted to tear someone limb from limb. He could feel his anger surging the more he thought about those Riot fuckers. Taking slow, deep breaths he attempted to calm his racing heart.

Just then the bathroom door crept opened slightly. He could just see half of Bianca’s face as one big dusky blue eye peered through the gap, her hand seeming to grip the doorframe for support. Her blonde hair was bright and hanging over her shoulder in a twisted wet rope. His sweater swamped her small frame down to her knees and she’d rolled the sleeves up to expose her tiny shaking hands.

“You alright there, Angel?” He kept his voice as soft as he could, not sure if he could pull it off.

He’d never been hunting but he assumed that Bianca’s expression was what a frightened baby deer looked like. When she didn’t respond and continued to look unsure he realised that they weren’t going to get anywhere by being tentative. At her small nod, he pushed the door the rest of the way open and swept her small frame back into his arms.

He turned and followed Digger into their bedroom. He checked out the room before he put her down. Luckily the sheets were newly changed as they hadn’t stayed here for a few days, preferring to be in the bustling clubhouse. That was going to change. He wasn’t sure he could handle his brothers being around Bianca all the time. She was theirs.

King slowly placed Bianca on the edge of the soft bed with her legs dangling over the side and pressed a soft kiss to her temple, breathing in her natural sweet scent. She looked smaller than ever sat on the massive custom bed that they’d had made for the three of them. Bones came in behind him and knelt in front of Bianca, setting the first aid kit next to him on the floor. He saw Bianca’s eyes go to the first aid kit and her nose twitched while she gnawed on her lower lip. King couldn’t decide if she was nervous to show her injuries or worried about the pain of them being tended to.

“Ok, little love. I just want to check on your cuts and make sure they’re clean before we get to bed.” Bones slowly stroked her foot as he spoke hoping to put her at ease.

As her shoulders drooped, he gave her ankle a reassuring squeeze. He pushed up the legs of the sweats to above her knees and dabbed iodine on the cuts. She hissed and jerked against the contact. He knew that shit stung and hated that it needed to be done.

King found himself moving forward slightly to get a better look at what had been done to their angel. What he thought were cuts were actually thin welts and he recognised the marks…. those fucking bastards had whipped her! A new, deeper rage bubbled up in his chest. He forced himself to look away, he didn’t need Bianca seeing the anger that must be obvious all over his face.

He turned to Digger who looked to be standing casually in the corner, his face blanked and eyes void of emotion. If you didn’t know him, you would think he was merely bored. King knew better. It meant that Digger was forcing his reactions inward, there they would swell and at some point would explode out, annihilating whatever was in his path. That rage would be very useful soon. They just needed the targets.

Bones was finishing up on Bianca’s back, carefully keeping the rest of her covered. His jaw was clenched and fury shadowed his normally bright blue eyes.

“All done,” Bones’ voice was far more tender than his face would suggest.

“Thanks, guys.” It was barely a whisper, yet her wispy voice seemed to echo like a fog horn through the room.

Her lips tilted up at the corners, not quite a smile but it was close. She was looking more relaxed the longer they were with her. Digger walked towards the bed when Bianca failed to hide a yawn. He started pulling down the covers while kicking off his boots.
