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Jagger watched as Skye turned from him, his gaze resting on the delicate curve of her cheek and jaw. She was so beautiful it hurt him, physically hurt him, to look at her.

To know that she was only a few feet away and he had no claim on her, yet, was painful. The desire to brand Skye as his had been riding him hard all night.

It was something he could no longer deny.

Skye Knightly was the woman he wanted. He was ruined for anyone else. There would be no other.

A feeling of uneasiness washed over him then. As much as he desired Skye, he knew next to nothing about her and he couldn’t shake the feeling that she was holding something back from him.

Would he end up as Eden had? Broken? Desperate for a love that couldn’t be returned? Even now the guilt he felt punched him hard in the gut. If only he’d been stronger.

Bitterly, he pushed those thoughts away. He couldn’t go there. Not now. He needed to remain focused and alert.

“The cave is there.”

Nico stopped beside him. They were the first words spoken bet

ween them since they’d left predawn.

Jagger followed his direction and narrowed his eyes, but couldn’t see an opening.

“To the right, just past the large boulder on the other side of the waterfall.”

Jagger’s gaze went to just beneath the summit. Low-lying mist curled lazily along the rock face, hanging over the water like a curtain. The jungle was still abnormally silent. Unease sat low in his belly and he shook it away as his eyes drifted over the entire area.

From what he could tell it looked to be at least another hour or so before they would reach the cave. He turned to Nico, but before he could speak, Nico continued.

“Be careful. The entire area is protected with ancient wards. I hope your little eagle knows how to navigate them.”

Jagger nodded.

“Do not trust her.” Nico’s warning was whispered softly. “She has your heart, so she’s basically got you by the balls. Don’t think she doesn’t know that.”

Jagger’s eyes narrowed menacingly. They glittered, glowing green as his anger began to churn. He snarled and felt the beast inside of him awaken. He didn’t like the warrior’s tone or meaning.

“I think it’s time for you to go.” Jagger bared his teeth and let the animal show briefly.

Nico held his ground and shook his head. His voice was bitter, resigned. “Bad times are coming. I can feel it. Nothing will be as it was, but one thing will always remain the same.”

“I don’t have time for riddles.”

Nico snorted, his eyes cold and steely. “Betrayal tastes like shit and if you get enough of it, it’ll drive you fucking crazy.”

Jagger watched as the warrior turned and disappeared into the fog that continued to swirl in ribbons around him.

He felt like punching the crap out of something. Anything. Impotent rage began to burn in his gut, and he had no clue why. Jagger felt like he was on the precipice of something life-changing. He just didn’t know in what direction it was headed.

Hopefully not to hell.

“Where’s he going? Will he be … all right?”

Jagger turned to Skye. She stood a few paces from him, her long blond hair tied loosely at her nape. She was all golden sunshine, lush curves, lean lines, and soft skin. Even through this cold mist that hung over them like a gray film, she shone like a beacon.

“I don’t know.” His eyes moved to just behind her. “But we’re here. The cave is just beyond that waterfall.”

Skye turned to follow the direction of his finger and he took a few moments to drink in the beauty that she was. He felt the familiar burn, the itching beneath his skin as the jaguar craved the woman who was his. It was painful, but he relished it.

It meant that he was alive. That there was hope and a future he could grab on to. One worth fighting for.
