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It was almost comical. The place was called Cupid’s Mistake and the signs were covered in small, fat cherubs with heart-tipped arrows notched in their little bows. My men surrounded the building but kept their distance. Michaels stood outside of my car with a pair of binoculars up to his eyes, watching the front from a parking lot across the street.

“No movement inside since we got here,” he said, sounding tired. I’d have to pay him double for this. “But they can’t stay in there forever.”

“Do you have a team prepared to breach?”

“Absolutely. Might be better that way.”

“Are you in contact with Redmond’s team?”

He grunted but didn’t sound happy. “They’re around.”

“That’s not exactly reassuring.”

“They’re not exactly helpful.”

I slapped his back and nodded. “Keep up the good work. I’ll deal with Redmond and his men.”

He went back to watching through the binoculars.

Penny poked her head out of an armored SUV in a spot across the lot. I went over to her, slightly annoyed she was showing her face. I made her swear that she’d stay inside the car no matter what happened. At least then I knew she’d be safe if bullets started flying. The driver had strict orders to get her away from here at all costs. No matter what.

“I thought we discussed this,” I said, glowering at her.

She smiled sweetly. “You discussed. I made noncommittal noises.”

“Penny. Please stay in the car.”

“I’m in the car. The window’s down, is all.”

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the door. She gazed out at the club and squinted into the early morning sun.

“How long have you been waiting out here?” she asked, her tone gentle, worried.

“Twelve hours.”

“That’s a long time. Your men must be exhausted.”

“They’re dealing with it. And I’m going to pay them all fat bonuses.”

She grinned at me. “I thought they weren’t motivated by money.”

“Oh, they are, you just aren’t worth nearly what I pay them.”

She laughed and pretended to be hurt. I leaned in the car and kissed her.

“What are you going to do about Redmond?” she asked as I pulled back out and shaded my eyes. There was movement nearby. Some of my men getting into a closer position. I held my breath, expecting the crack of gunfire, but nothing happened.

“I haven’t decided yet. One thing at a time.” I wanted to climb into the car and pull her into my lap, but I had work to do. I had to make sure Redmond’s men wouldn’t get in the way when the time came to attack.

As my mind drifted over the tasks necessary to prepare for a full-on breach, some cars rolled down the street nearby. It was a big procession of black vehicles, all of them SUVs, and I guess half were armored based on the sluggish way they handled. My men went on high alert and I snapped at Penny to roll up her window.

For once, she obeyed.

I sprinted to Michaels, gun out. His jaw was tensed and he held an AR-15 in firing position, tracking the SUVs as they stopped and parked in the middle of the street, blocking his view of the strip club.

“Alpha team, eyes on the target?” Michaels said into his comms.

His radio chirped. “Alpha leader, eyes on Cupid. No movement. What the fuck’s with those cars? Over.”

“Stay where you are. Don’t move.” He changed the frequency. “Bravo, swing to cover those cars. Relay order to Omega. Tell Delta to remain on Cupid.”

“Roger that.” His radio clicked off.

I leaned against the truck next to Michaels.

“What are you thinking?” I asked him softly.

“Might be Maeve trying to make a break for it. Not a bad idea, cutting our forces in half like this.” There were other soldiers all over the parking lot getting into position. “But I doubt she has enough soldiers inside the club to do much.”

The front door of the lead car opened and a single man stepped out. I relaxed my posture and slowly stood, tucking my pistol back into its holster.

“Tell your men to hold fire. I don’t think this is what you think.” I stepped forward, out of cover.

“Sir,” Michaels snapped. “You’re exposed.”

I approached Darren through the grass.

He held up a hand and met me halfway.

He looked good. Healthy. He’d gained some muscle. His hair had a new, messy style. His green eyes twinkled.

Married life agreed with him.

“I was wondering when you’d show up,” I said, stopping a few paces away. I kept my hands visible, but near my holster.

He did the same.

“Penny almost talked me out of it, but I couldn’t resist.”

“So that’s why she wanted a phone. I almost thought she’d try to escape.”

His face twisted. “I don’t know what you did to my sister—”

“I did nothing to her.” Which wasn’t strictly true. I’d done some things, but he didn’t need details.

“Why are you doing this?” Darren shook his head, tense and on edge. “Penny says Maeve tried to kill her.”

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