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Rose’s shoulders sagged. “I’m sorry for this mess, Bull.”

“It’s not your fault. If I’d brought you home like I promised, we wouldn’t have anything to worry about, would we?” Bull rose, stretching his limbs. “Go on home to bed, now. I’ll keep an eye on that pair, and we can sort all this out in the morning.”

Bull watched the truck drive away. In the bunkhouse, all the lights had gone out. The bunkhouse phone was out of order, so nobody would be ringing their buddies in Mexico. But he needed a solution to the problem of Raul and Joaquin by tomorrow morning, which meant he would likely spend a sleepless night thinking about it.

Satisfied that everything was under control, he went back into the house and locked the front door behind him. On the way down the hall to his bedroom, he looked in on his sleeping boys. The sight of them tugged at his heart, or what was left of it after the loss of his wife. He swallowed the lump that had risen in his throat. Nothing mattered more than his boys. To keep them safe, he would give his life a hundred times over.

Would he have to make that choice in the days ahead?

* * *

Night-flying insects swarmed in Tanner’s headlights as he drove back to Rose’s trailer. Beside him, Rose was quiet, as if lost in thought.

“Are you all right?” he asked her.

“Just worried.”

“I know.” He slid an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. “If it’ll give you a diversion, I have some other news. I found out that it was Ferg who had your lambs killed. One of his hired thugs did it.”

“Ferg! I should’ve known.” She sighed and shook her head. “But why? The property’s out of his reach now.”

“He knows that. But he wanted to stir up trouble between you and Bull. It almost worked.”

“Yes, it almost did. I’m really glad it wasn’t Bull. He’s no saint, but I’ve never known him to act out of pure meanness.”

“When I went to see him, Ferg also admitted to having you spied on. He claims it’s his legal right to keep an eye on the neighbors from his own property. I met the little creep who’s been watching you. He’s just a kid—doesn’t look dangerous. You could probably knock him over with one hand. But you won’t want to give him any entertainment.”

Rose was silent for a moment. “No!” she exclaimed.


“Why did you go to Ferg, Tanner? You should have left that to me. Those were my lambs he killed, and I’m the one he’s spying on.”

“I was trying to protect you, Rose,” Tanner said.

“I’ve had it with being protected!” Rose’s fist came down on the dashboard. “And I’ve had it with Ferg Prescott. If he thinks he can bully me and make my life miserable, he’s wrong! I’ve had enough! I’m going to drive out to the Prescott Ranch tomorrow and give him a piece of my mind!”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”

“I don’t care if it’s a good idea or not. I’m sick and tired of being treated like a child—by Ferg, by Bull, and even by you.”

“Do you want me to go with you?”

“No. I’m a big girl. I can handle this myself.”

“Your choice, lady.” He was secretly proud of her. His woman was all spunk. But Ferg was a sore loser and a dangerous foe. Tanner couldn’t help being worried about her.

But at least, for now, he’d managed to take her mind off the two Mexicans.

They pulled up outside the fence, next to Rose’s pickup. Switching off the engine, he turned to her. “Are we still friends? I want to make sure you’re not mad enough to run me off.”

She laughed. “Not a chance of that, mister.”

Tanner locked his truck and took a moment to check around the trailer, in the trees, and across the creek. If Ferg’s creepy little spy was around, at least he was nowhere in evidence.

Once he was satisfied, he followed Rose into the trailer and locked the door behind them. It had been an unsettling day for both of them. The last thing they needed now was to be disturbed again.

“Maybe you should get a guard dog,” Tanner said.

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