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"Remington has been nothing but honest with me."

"Has he? Even about other women?"

"He hasn't been with another woman since we met."

Cynthia gave a derisive laugh. "Is that what he told you? And you, of course, believed him." She seized Sammy's shoulders, desperate to make her face reality before it was too late. "Think about it, Samantha. A handsome nobleman like Lord Gresham? Saving himself for you ... no matter how long that might take?"

"Remington wouldn't lie to me."

"Really? Then why was he at Annie's the night you and I met?"

"He had a business meeting."

"And did he have another meeting tonight?"


"Where do you think he was going after he failed to ravish you in his carriage? Home? To his lonely bed? He was going to Annie's."

Sammy's eyes widened. "No."

"Yes. I myself heard him instruct his driver to take him there." Cynthia wanted to weep at the spasm of pain that crossed Sammy's face. "I'm sorry, Samantha." Her hands gentled on her friend's shoulders. "I wish I were wrong. I wish everything you believe could be so. God, how I wish that." A tremor of emotion made her voice break. "But I won't let him do this to you. I couldn't prevent what happened to me, but perhaps I can save you from suffering the same fate; indeed, a more severe one. At least in my case, I was taken by force, so I was spared the knowledge that I was a willing participant. If Remington Worth should take you to his bed, you'd go eagerly, like a lamb to slaughter. Could you face yourself the next day knowing you were but a pawn in his scheme of seduction?"

Throughout Cynthia's speech Sammy remained silent, pondering the significance of her maid's words. Now she straightened, met Cynthia's gaze with sympathy and candor. "Remington's not trying to seduce me, Cynthia, any more than you're trying to hurt me. In your own way, you're each trying to shelter me ... in areas that, much as you believe otherwise, I don't need sheltering. Perhaps Rem is going to Annie's tonight. But if so, it's not for a sexual liaison. Why am I so certain? Because he would have told me so directly. I have no claims on his fidelity, only on his feelings. To answer your question, yes, I could live with myself if I went to the bed of the man I love. And I hope with all my heart that some day you'll be able to say the same."

"I don't believe in love. Nor would I ever knowingly embrace social ruin, the way you seem determined to do."

"Social ruin? Why would I be ruined?"

Cynthia shook her head in disbelief. "Even among the working class, for an unwed girl to relinquish her innocence is appalling. In the ton? Need you ask? If you lie with a man out of wedlock, you'll be labeled a common trollop!"

"Not if I wed the man with whom I share my innocence."

"Wed the . . ." Cynthia inhaled sharply. "Samantha, do you honestly believe you are going to marry Remington Worth; or rather, that he is going to marry you?"

"Of course."

"Has he actually spoken of matrimony?"

"Not yet."

"Then what makes you think he will?"

Sammy lay her hand over her heart. "This."

"So you're going to lie with the earl because of some romantic misconception that, in the glowing aftermath of your union, he'll feel compelled to propose marriage?"

"No. I'm going to lie with the earl because I love him. And the earl's going to propose because he loves me." Sammy smiled as she summed up the obvious.

"I see." Cynthia didn't smile back. "Will you promise me one thing?"

"If I can."

"Before you enact your sentimental plan, will you make sure Lord Gresham's intentions concur with your own?"

A faraway look appeared in Sammy's eyes. "All right. I'll make certain Remington and I understand each other completely."

"Rem. I'm glad you're here. I was getting concerned." Boyd glanced down at his timepiece, which read nearly half after two.
