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"To put you somewhere far away from your poor, unsuspecting prey."

Sweat broke out on Knollwood's forehead. "On what grounds? It's your word against mine. You just destroyed the only evidence you had, you fool."

"Did I? How clumsy of me." Rem tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Harris, do you think we might produce some additional evidence, since I just impulsively shredded my own?"

"I think so." Harris's pistol flashed as he carefully backed up Templar.

"Good. That eases my mind quite a bit."

"What evidence?" Knollwood demanded. "Who the hell are these thugs anyway?"

"Oh, did I neglect to introduce you? How tactless of me. Meet Templar and Harris, two of Bow Street's finest runners. They have scores of witnesses who can attest to your vast number of crimes, plus a multitude of papers to substantiate the witnesses' claims. As luck would have it, both Templar and Harris are also personal favorites of the Bow Street Magistrate ... to whom, incidentally, they are about to deliver you."

"You bastard. And what about my money? Are you going to turn that in, too?"


money? Don't you mean my money?" Rem shook his head. "How quickly you forget." "You're going to keep it, aren't you?" Knollwood made a dive for Rem, one that was quickly checked by Harris's iron grasp and the cold steel of Templar's pistol against his head.

"Careful, gentlemen," Rem cautioned, never flinching. "We wouldn't want to injure Mr. Knollwood. Then he couldn't enjoy his long stay at Newgate." He gestured for his men to take Knollwood away. "Oh, and don't worry about your money, Knollwood. I promise to put it to excellent use."

"It's done?"

Boyd unlocked the front door of Boydry's and opened it just enough for Rem to slip inside.

"Yes ... Mr. Knollwood won't be blackmailing anyone for a long, long time."

"And? Did he offer you the incentive you suspected?"

"No. Another impasse."

Boyd sighed. "I was afraid of that." He poured two glasses of gin. "Where are Harris and Templar?"

"Delivering Knollwood to Bow Street. Once he's been handed over, they'll join us here." Rem placed the leather bag on Boyd's counter and flipped it open. "May Knollwood spend one year rotting in Newgate for every pound in this bag."

"What are you going to do with the money?"

Rem snapped the bag shut. "Effect a little justice of my own. It's but a fraction of all Knollwood's taken, but perhaps it can restore one man's dignity."

"You're going to pay off Goddfrey's debts." It was a statement, not a question; one Boyd didn't need answered. He knew his friend's mind, just as he knew Rem would try his damnedest to make certain Goddfrey never knew how the funds were repaid. "You know where Goddfrey is staying?"

A nod. "I do. A missive informing him of Knollwood's capture will be on its way in an hour. In the interim, we're right back where we started." Tucking the leather bag away, Rem lit a cheroot and took an appreciative swallow of gin. "Unless, of course, Templar and Harris have anything to report. Or Johnson—have you checked on him?"

"More than once. The docks have been quiet," Boyd replied. "But then, so have the seas. Whoever's running this scheme has decided to be cautious."

"I'm not surprised. He doesn't want to be caught."

"What about the companies our men checked out? Did their records provide any clues?"

"We'll find out as soon as Harris and Templar get here. I don't expect major revelations, though. If they'd uncovered anything significant, either you or I would have heard from them."

Boyd cleared his throat. "What about Samantha?"

"What about her?"

"Did you learn anything from her?"

The irony of the question almost made Rem laugh aloud. "Quite a bit. None of it, however, had to do with the missing ships."
