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Four days would have to suffice. Yes, he'd allow himself four days to grill Samantha. Then, for both their sakes, he'd walk away.

"Pardon me, my lord."

Rem glanced wearily at his butler. "Yes, Peldon?"

"Mr. Hayword to see you, sir."

"Send Boyd in. And Peldon, bring some coffee into the study. I need it."

"Yes, my lord."

Boyd and the coffee arrived simultaneously. Once Peldon had taken his leave, Boyd looked closely at Rem and whistled. "You look like hell."

"Thanks. That's much the way I feel. Sit down." Rem gulped down some coffee, then began prowling restlessly about the room.

"Who do you suspect?"

"What?" Rem halted.

"The only time you pace like that is when you're on the verge of some unpleasant discovery. So what is it?"

Rem gave a hollow laugh. "You couldn't be more right... and more wrong." Seeing Boyd's questioning look, he continued. "I've made an unpleasant discovery, all right, but it has nothing to do with our case. As far as that goes, I didn't learn a damned thing. Not that I didn't have opportunity; I did. Clarissa was at Almack's. I managed to steer the conversation in the right direction—not a difficult feat, considering Henry apparently commissioned Barrett Shipping to build his precious bride a yacht—but various intrusions interfered and I never got to the heart of the matter."

"I see." Boyd stared intently into his coffee. "Do these intrusions have anything to do with your unpleasant discovery?"

Rem grunted an affirmation.

"And does this unpleasant discovery relate in any way to Samantha Barrett?"

Rem shot Boyd a look. "I don't want to discuss it."

"You're drawn to her."

"She's a child."

"You spoke with her."

"Not about what I should have."

"She's refreshing and beautiful."

"She's Drake Barrett's sister."

"You want her."

"She's a virgin, for Christ's sake."

"But you still want her."

"Yes ... I want her."

"And that's it?" Boyd prodded.

"No, God dammit, that's not it!" Rem exploded. "She arouses me like hell, all right? I wanted her so much last night, I forgot all the reasons I'd gone to Almack's. I was shaking like a bloody schoolboy and I wanted her under me more than I wanted to breathe! Are you satisfied now?"

"Evidently, you're not." Boyd's lips twitched.

"That's not even faintly amusing."
