Page 143 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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Alex placed her half-filled glass on the table, leaning forward to face Rem directly. "I won't waste time. Humphreys is very loyal to the duke and will wait not an instant beyond the quarter hour I requested to announce your arrival. As a result, in precisely twelve minutes my outraged husband will be exploding into the yellow salon to demand an explanation for our chat. Therefore, may I begin with the facts, my lord?"

"Remington. And, yes, please do."

"I love Sammy as if she were my own. She is one of life's rarest treasures, beautiful inside as well as out, with a heart of gold and a spirit to match. And it appears you are the fortunate man on whom she's bestowed that heart... among other things." Alex paused. "Now my position. If you love Samantha as much as she loves you; if you are everything she swears you are, her knight-in-shining-armor, her once-in-a-lifetime hero, then I'll march into Drake's study with you this instant, stand right beside you and face my husband head-on, arguing away any objections he still harbors with every emotional weapon I possess. But if you're not in love with Sammy, if you've merely seduced her, acquired her as one of your numerous female possessions, and are toying with her affections and her tender heart, you'd best tell me now, or instead of merely having you thrown out, I'll make certain you wish you were never born. Is that clear enough, Remington?"

A corner of Rem's mouth lifted, his expression one of undisguised admiration. "You're everything Samantha said you were and more. Yes, Alexandria, that's perfectly clear."

Rem finished the last of his claret, facing Alex with the same straightforward candor she'd just shown him.

"I never believed in love, certainly not for me. I had my reasons, none of which matter any longer—because Samantha exploded into my life like a burst of dazzling fireworks, blasting all my cynicism, my lack of faith, into nothingness. She turned my world, my heart, upside down, fragmented all the walls I'd erected, and filled me in ways I never knew I was empty. To answer your question, I love Samantha with an intensity that staggers me. She is more to me than my own life, more essential than the air I breathe, more impelling than my past and all the scars it wrought. I'm going to make her my wife, fill her life with

joy and children of our own. And, with all due respect, Your Grace, I'll destroy anyone who tries to stand in my way."

A radiant smile lit Alex's face. "That's all I wanted to hear." Her glance darted to the clock on the mantel. "Our time is almost up. I suggest we find Drake before he finds us."

They were halfway through the hall, rounding the foot of the marble staircase, when a white streak shot by them, followed by a cry of outrage and a shout of laughter.

"I'll recover your stocking, Cynthia. Fear not." Sammy darted down the steps, her skirts lifted indecently high so as not to impede her progress. "Alex!" she called, spotting her sister-in-law. "Grab Rascal! He's taken Cynthia's stocking again—" Abruptly, she halted, her eyes widening as she saw the man who stood beside Alex.

Valiantly, Sammy strove for control, ordering herself to display the proper decorum, to temper the exuberant reception that threatened to erupt from within her.

Rem showed no such restraint. "Samantha." Unthinking, uncaring, he reached for her.

That was all it took.

With a half laugh, half sob, Sammy launched herself into his waiting arms. "Oh, Rem." She kissed his jaw, buried her face against his chest. "You're here."

Rem's hands shook as he stroked her hair. "God, I've missed you, imp," he breathed, his voice thick with emotion.

"When did you arrive at Allonshire?"

"Moments ago. I'm on my way to see your brother."

That made Sammy draw back, search his face anxiously, then look past him to Alex. "Please don't let Drake say no."

Alex glanced from Sammy to Rem, visibly moved by the emotion hovering between them. "If I had any intention of allowing your brother to stand in your way, that possibility has been thoroughly dashed by seeing the two of you together." She raised her chin. "Sammy, you wait here. I'll show Remington to Drake's study. The two of them have a betrothal to arrange."

"Thank you, Alex," Sammy whispered. Reluctantly, she detached herself from Rem's embrace. "I'll be in my room ... pacing and fretting."

Rem brought Sammy's hand to his lips. "Neither is necessary. Our betrothal is as good as sealed." He laced his fingers through hers. "Trust me, love."

Standing on tiptoe, Sammy kissed his chin. "You have yet to disappoint me, my lord," she murmured. Turning, she sprinted up the stairs.

Rem watched Sammy's retreating back, making no attempt to hide the love in his eyes.

"Shall we?" Alex prodded gently.

"By all means." Rem's dimple flashed. "Lead the way to the lion's den."

Outside the study door, Humphreys was waiting, squinting at his timepiece. With a dignified nod, he snapped it shut and raised his hand to knock.

"I'll announce the earl, Humphreys," Alex interrupted hastily.

The butler paused, then lowered his arm. "Very good, Your Grace." A sudden thought diverted his attention and, abruptly, he brightened. "I should check on Lady Bonnie. She was a bit fretful this evening." Bowing, he headed off to the nursery.

Alex squared her shoulders and faced the closed study door. "Try not to come to blows," she murmured to Rem as she knocked.

"I'll do my best."
