Page 102 of Samantha (Barrett 2)

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"Precisely. That is just what I intend to find out. Tonight." Frowning, Rem rebuttoned his waistcoat. "Bloody evening clothes."

"I know you gambled till dawn, but you've gone without sleep many times before. Never have I seen you so out of sorts. What the hell is wrong with you?" When a grunt was his only response, Boyd tried another tactic. "Why not summon your valet to help you dress?"

"As you might recall from our years at sea, I'm perfectly capable of donning my own clothing," Rem snapped. "Without the aid of a valet. Moreover, the point is a moot one. I gave my valet—and all the other servants—the night off."


"That leads me to the reason I asked you to stop by— other than to fill you in on the situation with Anders. I need a favor."


"In approximately"—Rem glanced at his timepiece— "four or five hours, I shall need a diversion. I'd like you to provide it. In the interim, my gardener, who is the last of my servants to take his leave tonight, will require your assistance. I'd greatly appreciate if you'd give him whatever help he needs."

"This sounds intriguing." Boyd's eyes twinkled. "I must admit you've sparked my curiosity."

"I'm sure I have." A corner of Rem's mouth lifted. "Will you do it?"

"You know I will." Boyd waited expectantly. "Are you going to tell me what this is all about?"



"Excluding, of course, your part in it. The rest, I'm certain, you'll easily deduce on your own."

Grinning, Boyd watched as Rem fastened his final button with a flourish. "I can hardly wait."

Samantha was thinking much the same thing. The difference was that, unlike Boyd, she knew exactly what tonight was about.

Knotting her palms in the silken folds of her gown, Sammy tried to concentrate on Cynthia's casual discourse rather than dwelling on the excitingly forbidden moments that hovered just beyond reach, mere hours away.

It was futile.

"These jeweled combs will set off your gown exquisitely," Cynthia commented, holding them up to Sammy's hair. "The deep purple stones are a perfect contrast to the pale lilac of the dress."

"I agree." Sammy nodded sagely, thanking her lucky stars that, unlike Millie, Cynthia was quite talented at selecting gowns and arranging hair. This particular night, Samantha was in no condition to manage on her own. Not with her hands trembling as if winter's frost had descended upon them.

Moistening her lips, Sammy glanced at the clock, her heart keeping pace with its ticking, her mind racing ahead to the wondrous adventure that awaited her.

In a matter of hours, she'd belong to Rem.

How would he manage it? she wondered, anticipation tingling through her. Where would he take her to make her his?

"Is she very beautiful?"

"Pardon me?" Sammy blinked.

"Bonnie, your new niece," Cynthia prompted, exasperated and puzzled. "What on earth is wrong with you tonight?"

"Nothing. Yes, Bonnie is precious." Hastily, Sammy brought the subject back to safe ground. "She looks just like Alex, with huge gray eyes and delicate little features." Sammy grinned. "And a powerful shout when she wants something."

"Your brother must be thrilled."

"That was the only disappointing part of the day. Drake was away from Allonshire all morning. He left for his banker's estate just prior to my arrival. Evidently, he decided to use the hours that Alex, Gray, and the baby were napping to conduct business. So, other than Humphreys, whose chest is as swollen with pride as Smitty's—honestly, you'd think the two of them had fathered Bonnie themselves—I saw no one but my new niece. And even she slept during most of our first meeting. A humbling experience, at best."

Cynthia smiled wistfully. "It must be wonderful to have such a loving family."

Sammy met Cynthia's gaze in the mirror. "It is. But things weren't always as they are now," she returned quietly. "Don't presume the tranquility you see has perpetually graced the Barretts. There are many skeletons in the family closet. Someday I shall regale you with them."
