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“Great,” I say, and she disconnects. I open my packages and see that he’s sent me five pairs of Louboutins that I don’t need. A box of clothes from Neiman Marcus. I grab my phone and call him. He answers on the first ring.

“Honey,” he says, and I hear people in the background and then it goes quiet.

“Dad, you didn’t have to buy me all this,” I tell him, sitting on the couch.

“Please, it’s a big deal,” he says. “It’s not every day you get the chance to move up in the company.”

“Yeah, well, let’s not celebrate just yet. I don’t think I can do it,” I tell him, my voice going quiet.

“Baby girl,” he says softly, and if he were here, he would put his arm around me and drag me to his side, “as long as you give it your all, there is nothing you can’t do.”

“You and Mom really have to stop with the matching pep talks,” I tell him, and he laughs.

“I have to go. I’m in the middle of a meeting, but how about you come over on Sunday, and we can spend the day on the beach?”

“Yeah, that sounds amazing and exactly what I need after the week I’ve had,” I tell him. I haven’t been to his new beach house yet.

“Love you,” he says quietly.

“Me, too,” I say, and he disconnects. I toss my phone down and then get up to clean the mess. My phone pings a couple of times, but I don’t bother with it. It’s probably the Google alert that I set up for Carter letting me know his penis is on the loose. Opening my fridge, I see nothing to eat and don’t find anything in the freezer either. I grab the phone on the counter and press the dial button, ordering in some Chinese food. I go and undress, sliding into some yoga pants while I wait for the order to arrive. Once it does, I get comfortable on the couch and turn on the television, eating my Chinese on a TV tray. This is the life, I think to myself sarcastically.

Chapter Seven


I watch her walk out of my house, and I’m dumbfounded. What the fuck happened? She was on the beach with me watching me do my thing. I looked over at her and saw her with her hair blowing in the wind, and it was something. I don’t know what was going through me.

Then just like that, she tossed my phone down and walked away. I turn to go and finish my shoot on the beach. After I change into my swim trunks, I go into the cold water, and it wakes me up. “I like you all angry and shit, but can we get one smile out of you?” Ralph says. I nod my head, and it’s go time. Smirk’s on, dimple out. I stay in the water until the sun starts to set, and he snaps one more picture of me walking out with my hands in my hair. “That right there is going to be the shot,” he says, and I just nod, walking to the towel and wrapping it around my waist and another around my shoulders. Picking up my clothes, I grab my phone when it falls, then walk to the gate while Ralph packs up all his equipment. I press the code and then walk in the sand even though it’s stuck to my feet and itchy. I think about just walking up the stairs, but then it would make a mess, and the cleaning lady isn’t coming until next week. I do the next best thing. Stepping into the pool, I move my feet under the water to clean off the sand. The phone rings in my hand, and I see it’s Jeff.

“Hey,” I answer. “What’s up?”

“How’s the reformed and somewhat virginal bachelor?” he says, laughing, and I roll my eyes.

“I’m still a bachelor,” I tell him. “I just finished shooting with Ralph.”

“Yeah.” I can hear cars in the background. “You ready for Montana?” he asks me, and I dump my stuff on the couch, then walk up to my room. I’m leaving Monday to go film for two weeks, and I can’t wait.

“As ready as I will ever be,” I say to him, and then the call disconnects. I look down and see that I have a couple of text messages. One catches my eye, and I groan when I see it.

Unknown: We can totally fuck on the down low. Just name the time and place.

“Fuck,” I hiss out. This is the reason she took off. While I was changing to go outside, I got a picture of her tits. I have no idea who it was who texted me, and I was stupid enough to answer her.

Me: If you’re down to fuck on the down low, I’m game.

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