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“Nope, I eat everything,” she tells me, and I wait until the veggies and the chicken are done before I throw some salsa into the pan. After grabbing some tortillas and two plates, I place one plate in front of Erin on the counter and another next to her. I walk back to the fridge and grab some fresh guacamole and some pico de gallo.

“It smells so good,” she says, and I look over my shoulder at her and take in the moment right there. She is the first woman to step inside my new house, apart from my house cleaner. She’s the first woman I have cooked for in my house that is my haven.

I take the pan and put the food in a big dish, then bring it over to the counter. Sitting down, I place it in the middle of us. “This is my version of chicken fajitas,” I tell her and get up.

“Where are the utensils?” she asks, and I look at her as she casually walks in the back to grab them. I point at the drawer, and she comes back with four spoons and two forks. “Do you think I can have another water bottle?” she asks me, and I fumble with my words. “I can get it. Please, you did do all the cooking.” She walks over to the fridge and grabs two water bottles and then comes back.

I wait for her to serve herself, and then I go on the attack. She moans when she takes a bite and then looks at me. “This is so good.”

“This is the first time a woman has moaned in my house, and it had nothing to do with my Big Johnson.” I wink at her, and she throws her head back and laughs.

“Liar.” She shakes her head and takes another bite.

“Nope,” I say to her, grabbing another bite. “I never, ever bring anyone here. My last house, yes, but this is my space and mine only.”

“Oh, I get it,” she says. “The whole smash and go.”

“Smash and go?” I ask, confused.

“You have sex with them at their house or a hotel, so they don’t linger?” she says, taking a sip of water. “Smash and go.” I shake my head, thinking that is exactly what I do. The rest of the meal is quiet. When she’s finished, she gets up, rinses her plate off, and then opens the dishwasher to find it empty. “You cook; I clean. It’s the universal rule.”

“Wow, I’m just learning all kinds of things with you,” I tell her. Laughing, I pick up my plate and place it in the dishwasher. The doorbell rings, and I look at her and then at the time. Walking to the door, I see it’s the photographer for the shoot today. “Hey, come on in,” I tell him, and he walks in.

“We lucked out with the weather,” he says to me and then walks in the house and stops when he sees Erin in the kitchen. “Was I interrupting anything?”

“Nope. She’s my PR girl,” I tell him, then look at Erin. “Want to stay and take pictures for my Instagram?” I ask her. For some reason, I’m hoping she says yes and am shocked when she nods her head.

Chapter Six


I should go. I should make an excuse and get out of here because my nerves are all over the place. I’m okay with him being an asshole, but I’m not okay with him being that nice guy who cooks for me and then tells me I’m the only woman who has ever been in his house. Why? I’m rinsing off my hands when I see a man walk in carrying two huge bags in each hand. I hear him talking to Carter who just smiles at him. I can tell right away from the look in his eyes that his guard is down, and this is the real Carter.

“Was I interrupting anything?” the man says, looking at me and then looking back at Carter.

“Nope. She’s my PR girl,” he tells him, slapping him on the shoulder. He looks at me with a genuine smile on his face. “Want to stay and take pictures for my Instagram?” I should say no. I should take this as my cue to leave, but instead, I nod my head.

“Great,” Carter says. “Ralph, this is Erin. Erin, this is Ralph, my main man.”

Ralph laughs. “Not main man. I’m the one who makes his ass look super sexy in pictures. It’s a hard fucking job, too. I mean, look at this slob.” He points at Carter who just flips him the finger. “I’m going to get set up. You still want to take the pictures on the beach?”

“Yeah,” he says, nodding his head. “I’m going to get my stuff, and I’ll be right back.” He turns and jogs up the stairs, and I see him walk into what must be his bedroom.

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