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“What time will you come up?” Tyler asks me while he slips his jeans back on. I’m lying on my side naked under the sheet on my bed. “I told my parents to be there at five,” he says, grabbing his sweater, “unless you want to come with me now?” He grabs his shoes and puts them on. “So you’re there when they get there.”

“But what if someone.” I say someone, but we both know I’m talking about Cassie. “What if she comes in, and it’s awkward again, and then I put your parents in the situation where they have to be uncomfortable and lie about it.”

“I promise you she isn’t coming, and she doesn’t have a key.” He sits on the bed next to me. “Come up with me. Bring your work and you can sit with me, and we can both work side by side.”

“Are you sure?” I ask him, and he just leans down and kisses me. “Okay. But I need to shower. I don’t want to meet your parents again and smell like I just had sex with their son.”

“But you did just have sex with their son. Twice,” he says, laughing, and I turn and look at him.

I fold my arms over my chest. “Do you plan on having more sex with me later?” I glare at him as he laughs.

“At least two more times, three depending,” he answers honestly, getting up and kicking off his shoes. “We should have it once more now just in case.”

“No.” I point at him, yelling, “If you come with me, you are going to get my hair wet, and then I’ll have to fix it all over again.” I don’t give him time to answer as I turn and lock the door behind me. My shower is quick, and I’m drying off when I finally unlock the door.

“Yeah, that’s fine,” he says. “You can just send it up to my room.” He turns and looks at me wrapped in a towel, my hair piled on top of my head. I grab my luggage that is by the door, bringing it inside and plopping it on the floor, opening it and sitting down in front of it.

“I’m so tired of living out of a suitcase,” I tell him, tossing things around. “Should I wear jeans or a dress?” I ask him over my shoulder as he sits down on the bench at the foot of the bed. I grab my blue jeans and a long-sleeved black shirt with my black bra and thong. I put my bra and panties on first and then shimmy my jeans up. Grabbing the shirt, I pull it over my head, the sleeves cut down the middle, but then tied at the elbow with a big bow. I tuck in the front and then turn to look at him. “Should I wear sneakers or heels?”

“If it was just us, I would say wear nothing,” he answers me, then smirks. “But since it’s with my parents, just wear something comfortable.” I shake my head; there is nothing comfortable about sitting at a table with the parents of the guy you are with or having sex with.

“You think they are going to know we are sleeping together?” I ask him, grabbing my black ballerina shoes. “Like they will probably get the fact that we like each other, or whatever, but will they know that we, you know?” I feel like a girl in high school again.

He throws his head back and laughs. “Jess, I’m in my thirties. I don’t think my parents even think of when or if I’m having sex.”

“Fine, whatever,” I say, walking to the side of the bed where I had set my laptop once he got me on the bed and half naked. “My stomach is killing me,” I say honestly. “I’ve met Oprah, for fuck’s sake, and I wasn’t this nervous.” Putting the computer in my bag, I pick it up and sling it over my shoulder.

He stands and walks over to me, placing his hands on my cheeks. “Everything is going to be good, and if it isn’t, there is always breakfast.” He laughs, kissing me. “Now let’s go.” He entwines our fingers and pulls me to the elevator.

Chapter Nineteen



I hold her hand the whole way to my room, not giving her a chance to run away or hide. When she met my parents in the lobby, I thought it would be a great day, but then Cassie interrupted us. I watched it happen right in front of me, but I couldn’t lean over and grab her hand to reassure her. I couldn’t do shit while she put up those walls and felt like she didn’t belong. But she does. She belongs there next to me, and I wanted to kill Cassie.

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