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When I spot Jessica, I almost do a double take. Her back is to me, but I would know that ass anywhere. She’s wearing tight fucking leather pants, and to that, my body finally fucking wakes up. Her hair hangs down her back in big curls. She turns now, and it’s a damn good thing I’m a good actor because my mouth is on the floor. She’s wearing a lace top, cut right down the middle and molded to her. Turning my head to the side, I let my walls come up and I’m not Tyler, the man who wants someone I can never have. I’m Tyler, the actor who is going to fuck the shit out of a woman who means absolutely nothing to me in a few hours.

Chapter Twelve


Looks like this reality star is going to jail. This is after she violated her parole for the fifth time.

“I guess the star of the show got here,” I say to my camera guy, and he just nods his head. This one is named Jo with no e.

I turn to the side, chatting with Kendall as I feel the heat from the freaking flashes and then I slowly turn around and see him in the middle of all that with Roxanne by his side. She smiles up at him, his smile the same, but his eyes on me. Something shifts, and I have no idea what it is. He was weird yesterday at the gym, and after the gym, he barely said a word to me the whole day. Actually, he didn’t say anything to anyone. This morning, I went for my usual jog, and he wasn’t there. I pretended it didn’t matter. I watched Dateline and made it seem like it was just another day, but it wasn’t. Everything was just off.

Then the interview started off gruff, but when he started talking about his stunts, the walls came down, his smile was genuine, his laughter the same, but then it was gone. One day, he acts like he’s my best friend, sharing a laugh over our own private joke, and the next, he’s ignoring me. I take out my phone and pulled up my actual best friend, Kellie.

I text her, not knowing where she is. She isn’t just my best friend; she’s one of the biggest and hottest country music stars, and she is on tour, so I have zero idea what time zone she’s even in.

Me: I need a girl FaceTime chat.

Kellie: ME TOOO

She answers right away.

Me: Where are you?

Kellie: Canada, you?

Me: Tokyo.

Kellie: Okay, let me get up and I’ll figure up the time zone issues and when I’m free.

Me: Deal.

I watch everyone walk into the theater, and once again, the takedown is amazing to see. I walk back into the theater and wait with everyone else. We haven’t seen the movie, and we aren’t going to until Paris, which is the “real” premiere, according to Yamina.

We make our way back to the hotel, this time just the journalists. It’s been a crazy long day, so we all head to our rooms. I get into my room and look at the menu for room service. Tossing it on the bed, I grab my purse and decide to go eat in the dining room. I press the elevator button and get in, taking my phone out and checking my emails. I walk out of the elevator again with my head down, and my shoulder collides with someone, almost spinning me around. I look up to apologize, and my eyes land on blue ones. Tyler is standing there beside the elevators except he isn’t by himself. My eyes go down to his hands and see they are holding Roxanne’s. I blink away the hurt and confusion, looking up, and making him see me. “Sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going. I seem to be running into you a lot.”

I turn and walk away, not waiting for a response or even an acknowledgement, and not turning my head to look back, not wondering if he’s staring or if he’s going upstairs to have hours and hours of sex with his co-star. I. Don’t. Actually. Care. Shit, maybe I do, though.

I walk up to the bar, my knees shaking, and pull out a barstool and sit down, ordering a glass of white wine. I sit down and try to pretend nothing is bothering me, but after two sips, the wine tastes like acid. I pay my bill and walk back to the elevator. This time, my eyes stay up, so I don’t walk into anyone again. I make it to my room, close the door, and then throw my phone on the bed, but not before setting my alarm. I peel my pants off, then my shirt, and take a quick shower to wash the makeup from my face. I slide into bed and toss my phone on the bedside table. I toss and turn until my alarm tells me it’s time to get my ass out of bed. I toss my arm out, grabbing it, and seeing that Kellie texted me. I see she sent it two hours ago.

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