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The fact that he’s noticed that I’m drifting is embarrassing. But there’s nothing I can do to deny it. “Routine is hard,” I say. “Not everyone likes to have vets on staff. I’m lucky enough that I don’t need to work.”

“Your bar,” he says. “Yeah, you guys have really done a good job with that. He raises an eyebrow like he’s calling me on my bullshit. “But just because you have money doesn’t mean that you don’t need to work. You always struck me as someone who needed something to do.”

I fight against the clenching of my jaw. The fact that he hasn’t seen me in years and yet has managed to pinpoint something that I have a hard time admitting to myself is uncomfortable. So I just nod.

“Well,” he says, “I need to hire a couple more people to help with construction.” He pulls the clipboard back out with a smile. “I took on too many projects, and we don’t have enough people to finish on time. So if you need some work, I’d be happy to have you on.”

The words don’t exactly penetrate for a second. “You’re offering me a job?”

“If you want it,” he says, the corner of his mouth tipping up into a smile.

I don’t know why I didn’t think about this before. In high school I used to work construction over summer break. And even though I’ve been slowly working on the plans for my house, I didn’t think about trying to get a job here. If I’m here, I’ll have something to do with my time. And my hands. More importantly, I’ll be close to Tia.

“Yes,” I say, determination flowing through my body. “Absolutely. Thank you.”

Charles nods. “It’s hourly, so come in sometime Monday morning. Doesn’t matter what time.”

I freeze, wondering if there’s something about me that screams that I’m not sleeping. Even last night after trying so hard, I woke up covered in sweat and on the verge of screaming. But maybe that’s just how things work around here. Finally, a job that I might be able to keep. “Sounds good, but you don’t need to pay me.”

He shakes his head. “Don’t be silly. We’ll have you fill out the usual paperwork and then get you out to one of the sites. You used to work construction in the summertime years back, right?”

“Yes, sir.” I don’t tell him it was the only job that I could find that had hours long enough to get me out of the house and away from my father. It had to do what school usually did. The construction jobs I worked let me slip back home when he was already asleep. Even if the other kids my age thought I was nuts for spending my days building houses instead of relaxing. “I’ll see you Monday, then.”

A job.

Frankly, I’d given up looking for one, because I don’t need one to survive, and people have heard what happened at the ones before. Green Hills is funny that way. It’s bigger than a small town but still everybody knows everything. Which means Charles either knows and doesn’t care or he just really doesn’t pay attention. Either of those things are fine with me. But still, eventually the rumors of my behavior will get back to him. Someone’s going to drive by one of the job sites and there will be a well-meaning phone call placed.

They’ll tell him that I ended up crouching in a corner in First Shot’s kitchen because the sudden clang of a pan had me diving for cover. They’ll tell him how I was fired from Henderson’s horse ranch because of another episode. But this is who I am now. I have to own it, even if it comes back to me.

On top of that, I’ll get to see Tia again. She’s made it very clear she doesn’t want to talk to me, but I’m hoping that she’ll change her mind. Maybe if I’m around enough she’ll get used to me. She’ll see that I’m not a bad guy, and that I really do just want to talk. I want to tell her why I left and why I was so scared of what we had. But either way, I’ll just be happy to be near her again.

When we were younger, by her side was where I was happiest, and there hasn’t been anything in my life to change that. I don’t think there will be in the future either.

And now that I have everything, I want to give her everything. If she’ll give me the chance.



The First Shot bar is packed tonight. It’s a Friday, so that’s pretty typical, but I think it’s even more crowded than I’m used to. I have to hand it to Glenn. He can be an asshole, but he’s a got a good head for concept and business. He’s always coming up with fresh ways to bring people in, and they work. For whatever reason, he’s really got a handle on what people want from their nightlife. That, and the fact that the flagship First Shot bar is now a major tourist destination here in Green Hills, Tennessee. I don’t think there’s been a night in the past few years when there wasn’t a line out the door.

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