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The guys rolled around, fists flying.

I didn’t know what to do, but I did think it was best if I stayed out of the way. If I tried to break up the fight I’d only end up getting hurt worse in the process and my head was already throbbing from the impact of Eric shoving me into the wall. I was probably going to end up with a knot on the back of my skull the size of a baseball.

The crowd grew even more in size—apparently fights were more interesting than boobs now, or else the girl had gotten dressed.

When I couldn’t see the fighting men anymore I eased out of the room heading for the front door.

I walked along the sidewalk and crossed into the street when I spotted Cade’s Jeep.

He’d figure out where I went. Well, I hoped…and preferably soon. It was extremely dark and none of the houses near his car had any outdoor lights.

I made sure to stay hidden before I landed myself into any more trouble.

I wanted this night to be over. I hadn’t expected much of tonight, but it had been even more of a disaster than I had anticipated.

As I sat on the sidewalk by myself tears sprung to my eyes.

This night felt so much like the one at the club, but I was far more afraid of Eric than I had been of Icky Guy. I got the impression that Eric wasn’t used to girls denying him. And Eric had this mean glint in his eye that was worrisome.

I wiped tears from cheeks.

I hadn’t even realized I was crying.

I dried my face but it was pointless. More tears replaced those. I was a blubbering mess. I always tried to be so put together, at least on the outside, but I was falling apart. Everything seemed to be catching up with me.

I guessed it was a good thing I’d told my mom I was ready to see a therapist again. My first appointment was tomorrow, and after this night I was going to need it.

I was shivering by the time I spotted Cade walking to the car.

“Rae?” He called into the night. “Rae? Where are you? Are you out here? Rae?”

“I’m here,” I stood up, sniffling.

“Oh, thank God.” He breathed a sigh of relief. He ran towards me and wrapped his arms around me. “I was so worried. I tore that whole house apart looking for you.”

“I had to get out of there,” I blubbered into his shirt. He was going to think I was a crybaby if I kept crying all over him.

“I’m so sorry.” He kissed the top of my head, smoothing his fingers through my hair. “I’m so sorry,” he began to chant over and over again. “I shouldn’t have left you.”

“I’m okay,” I assured him.

“Are you sure?” He tilted my head back to look at me and that’s when I winced. “What the fuck did he do?” Cade growled, his face transforming to an angry grimace.

“M-my head hit the wall,” I stuttered.

He cursed unintelligibly under his breath.

“We’ll go to the hospital and get you checked out.” He pushed passed me and opened the passenger door.

“I really think I’m fine,” I assured him.

“No.” His jaw was set. “I’m not taking you back to the dorms until I know you’re okay. We’re going to the fucking hospital, even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming.”

“Okay,” I agreed, figuring it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Thank you,” he said softly before I got in the car.

I didn’t know why he was thanking me. I should’ve been thanking him. He saved me tonight…but really, he saved me before that.

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