Page 70 of Morning Star (Red Rising Saga 3)
Running a hand over his face, he reminded himself not to give the man any lip. If Burnett was going to allow Chase back at Shadow Falls, Burnett would demand respect.
Chase didn’t have a problem with respect. He had a problem with Burnett. Not that Burnett didn’t deserve respect. Chase wouldn’t be here if he didn’t. But Burnett didn’t respect Chase. And while Chase didn’t like admitting it, the agent’s lack of regard was probably for good reasons. More than once Chase had lied to the man.
Are you sure this Burnett James is going to accept you after what happened? Eddie’s question had brought Chase’s fears to the surface.
Because Chase wasn’t a hundred percent sure Burnett would take him back, he decided to cover his bets.
Before coming here, he’d stopped off at the FRU office and slipped in his application to work for the bureau through the mail slot. In the same envelope he’d included a copy of his letter of resignation from the council and his own personal requirements: He would live at Shadow Falls and work under Burnett.
His goal was that the FRU would put pressure on Burnett to say yes to Chase’s offer. They were, after all, Burnett’s boss.
Hell, for all Chase knew, Burnett had already received a call from the FRU office. A flicker of light in the school’s main office came on.
So Burnett was waiting for him. Taking a deep breath, Chase went to face the music.
How hard could it be? He’d already faced Eddie and Kirk. And while telling Eddie had been emotionally harder, Kirk, like an uncle to Chase, had been less understanding. Not that it had surprised Chase; Kirk, as part of the vampire council, saw Chase’s actions as disloyal. I personally trained you. Kirk’s words still echoed inside Chase’s head and heart.
Chase was almost to the Shadow Falls gate when he heard Burnett’s voice. “I’ll text her in a few minutes and let her know you will be showing up instead of me. Don’t forget the blood. And don’t mention this.”