Page 5 of Take It All

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“What about you? I take it you're a single father.”

“I am.” He smiles, clearly proud of that fact. “His mother has been out of the picture from the beginning.” I watch him closely, not seeing any love lost there. “I take it you’re a single mother as well.”

“Yes” is the only answer I give.

Once upon a time I’d been the silly girl thinking a man was going to save me from my terrible life. I learned my lesson. No one can save you but yourself, and you can only ever depend on yourself.

I'll never let myself forget that. Especially when it comes to a man like Rory Crew.

Chapter Four


“So you can tell me my fortune?” I ask as we exit the restaurant.

“Maybe,” she hedges, but I see the smile she tries to hide.

“I’ve never met anyone who uses tarot cards before.” Reaching down, I take her hand as we walk down Main Street toward her car.

It’s late, and we were at the restaurant long enough for the stars to come out. I’d gotten a text from Apollo at dinner telling me he was eating with Jaxson and would be home late. Then Anna got one from her daughter Celeste saying she’d grabbed food on the way home and was watching a movie.

When her hand is in mine, it feels like we’ve done this for a long time. It’s natural and easy with Anna, and I’ve never felt so pulled into a woman before.

With Apollo’s mother it was a drunken one-night stand, and I didn’t even know her before that night. When Heather told me she was pregnant, I was shocked to say the least but was ready to step up and be the father my son deserved. I’d even made a room at my family estate for her to live with us while we tried to co-parent.

Heather didn’t even stay one night after coming home from the hospital. She dropped Apollo at my house and said she needed a break after taking care of him for nine months. Those first few days alone with him were the scariest of my life, but somehow we made it through.

“You can tell me what you’re looking for or ask me a question, and I can use the cards to guide me. I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it.”

“What would they say if I asked you to see you again?” Her car is up ahead, and I’m desperate for this time with her to keep going.

“Hmm.” She pretends to think it over, but I can see the light in her eyes. She’s not fooling me. “I think there’s a very good chance of me agreeing.”

“Tomorrow,” I say when we stop and she takes out her keys.

“So soon?”

Her blond hair shines in the moonlight, and I step closer. I’m dying to run my fingers through it, but I settle for tucking it behind her ears. “I don’t date, Anna.” She swallows hard as I move in a little closer and her back presses against the side of her car. “I haven’t had sex in a long, long time.”

She licks her lips and looks up at me through her lashes. “How long?” The question is so soft I almost don’t catch it.

“I’d say about eighteen years and ten months, give or take a few weeks.”

I watch her throat move as she audibly swallows. “T-that’s a long time.”

“I’m not one to be casual about any decision I make.” Leaning closer to her, I watch her eyes close slightly as I move my mouth to her ear. “And I’d very much like to make love to you.”

She gasps as I graze my lips against the shell of her ear and inhale her sweet scent.

“Rory, I—” She swallows again as I lick the same trail my lips made.

It’s been so long since I’ve been this close to a woman, I don’t even know if what I’m doing is right. I just know this feels so fucking good, and from the quake in her body, she agrees.

“You don’t have to answer yet.” My lips move to her neck and then slowly along her jaw. “I’m not going anywhere.”

When I get to her cheek, I lean back so I can take her face in both of my hands. With one long look in her eyes, I make my intentions clear. When she doesn’t tell me to stop, I bend down and press my lips to hers.

Hot electricity cracks between us, and for half a second, I wonder if she’s shocked me. The warmth of her soft lips melts against mine, and she gasps as if she feels it too. I take the opening to slide my tongue inside and sweep it against hers. She’s hesitant for a heartbeat before she returns the taste. Her hands come to my chest, and her fingers move to the inside of my jacket and around my ribs. It feels like she’s everywhere, and goddamn it, I wish she was.

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