Page 4 of Take It All

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“I’d be happy to cook for you anytime.” He shoots me a charming smile as he moves in closer to my side. Anyone seeing us right now would think we’re a couple. Which is nothing like the Rory Crew I’ve read about.

I couldn’t even find out who the mother of his son Apollo is. When it comes to his love life, there’s nothing. Not even any speculation. There isn’t a single picture of him standing as close to someone of the opposite sex as he is with me right now.

In fact, he’s kind of terrible at flirting. He’s stumbling over his own words while trying to figure out a way to spend more time with me. It’s adorable and endearing, especially coming from a man who has all the power he does.

“You’re good in the kitchen?”

“I suppose there’s only one way for you to truly find out.” His hand slips from my back and goes around to my hip. I find myself leaning into him and letting him guide me through the market.

“Your house or mine?” I tease.

“Whichever one I can get you to agree to.”

“Will there be dessert?”

He pauses, gazing down at me. “Always.”

His eyes linger on my mouth, and for a moment I let myself fantasize about what it would be like to kiss him. I jerk my head in the other direction, breaking the spell he’d put me under. What is wrong with me? Never once have I thought about kissing someone I was thinking about running a con on. Rory Crew is way too tempting.

We work our way from one stand to the next, and I don’t miss the long stares and surprised looks on people's faces at seeing Rory with me. He walks slowly and makes sure we see everything as he draws out our time together in the market. For some reason, I let him.

“Are you going to let me feed you?” He glances down at the watch on his wrist and nods up ahead. “Gio’s is opening for dinner now, and it’s the best place in town.”

“Okay,” I agree before I can think more on it. My answer should have been no and then let the chase begin.

“What brought you to Craven Cove?” he asks, taking the bags of fruit from my hand.

“My daughter. I wanted to settle down for her to do her senior year of high school.”

“My son is in his senior year as well.”

“Only one child?” I already know the answer.

“Yes, he’s been my world. You?”

“Same. It’s always been just the two of us. I’d do anything for my Celeste.”

“I know the feeling.” He holds open the door to the restaurant for me.

“Mr. Crew!” A short, round man dressed in all white makes a beeline toward Rory. “I didn’t know you’d be coming in tonight.”

The man’s eyes widen when he sees me standing next to Rory. As if on cue, Rory’s arm wraps around me, his fingers sinking into my hip. A thrill runs through my body, and once again I realize that I’m enjoying this far too much.

“I brought a date this evening,” Rory says. “Gio, this is Anna. She’s new in town.”

“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” Gio starts to hold his hand out for me to take, but Rory cuts him off.

“The table in the back please.” I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing.

“This way.” Gio quickly grabs two menus before leading us toward the back of the restaurant. Rory orders a bottle of wine right away so we’re once again alone.

“Date?” I tease, and he shrugs like it’s no big deal. The man who was tripping over his words an hour ago is quickly fading.

“You must have been young when you had your daughter if she’s a senior,” he inquires.

“I was. Seventeen.” Gio returns with the bottle of wine and pours us both a glass.

“May I order for us?” Rory asks, and I nod.

Picking up my glass of wine to take a sip, I try to settle my nerves. This isn’t going how I planned. If he were anyone else, I would have thought it was arrogant to order for me, but with Rory, something is different. He’s not trying to be cocky or high-handed. He’s trying to take care of me. A rush of unexpected emotion hits me, and I realize this is bad. That familiar urge to run hits me, and I glance toward the door.

After Rory has finished ordering, I take a breath and steer the conversation away from my past. I’m used to the surprised faces I get when I tell them I have an eighteen-year-old daughter or when they see Celeste and me together. Most don’t dig. Not when you circle everything back to them. People love to talk about themselves, so it’s not hard to guide them away from asking too many questions about your life. I’m not so sure that’s going to be easy with Rory.

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