Page 45 of Deuces Wild

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Carter has his pick of colleges. He’s got his career mapped out. He’s already made it clear that wherever he goes, I go. Maybe I should find that rude but I don’t. Of course I gave him lip about it but in the end we both know I’ll be going with him to whatever college he chooses. I’m just not sure what’s in the cards for me. I’ve never given it much thought. College isn’t something I was prepared to attend but I’d be lying if the idea of furthering my education doesn’t excite me.

“You don’t have to do anything.” I glance up at him. “Except me.” He winks. I roll my eyes but smile. “There are culinary schools everywhere,” he says when I go back to chopping the food. “Maybe we look into some? Hell, your cooking is so fucking good you could just be self-taught.”

“You’re just saying that.” Still I blush under the praise. He can’t be trusted. He thinks I’m good at everything I do.

“Babe. I’ve eaten at the best restaurants in the world. I know good food. Yours is fucking delicious.” His eyes meet mine to let me know he’s serious. “My tacos are still better than yours but no one is perfect.” He just couldn’t help himself. I smile bigger because I love our life and I love this man in front of me.

“I’d come over there and kiss you but we’d end up in bed and my bread is still in the oven and I don’t want it to burn.” I do an air kiss. He starts to get up but I playfully point my chopping knife at him. “Sit.” I try and keep my tone firm.

His eyebrows furrow together and he drops down into his chair. I’d almost call it pouting. His phone dings, distracting him for a moment. I know it’s probably his dad. He doesn’t keep the sound on for many people. I know he and his dad are somewhat close but in the weeks I’ve been here I’ve yet to meet the man. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing at this point. Carter respects his father. He may not approve of his father’s relationships but he keeps that separate from their own. I think he’s just busy maybe? I know it’s not that Carter is trying to hide me away. He enjoys letting everyone know I’m his girl. We still come across people that are shocked by this revelation.

“You have enough for another?” Carter asks.

“Yeah, why?” I think I already know. My thoughts have conjured an answer.

“Dad’s coming over.” He drops the phone back down onto the counter, leaning back in his chair.

“Right now?” I drop the knife. My hands go immediately to my hair. I look down at what I’m wearing. I’m in Carter’s shirt and a pair of his boxers. I look a hot mess.

“You’re fine. It’s just my dad,” he says like it’s no big deal.

“What if he doesn’t like me?” That’s a big deal! He already knows all about the wallet and the police station incident. I’m starting to panic a little inside.

“Don’t really give a shit if he does or doesn’t. You’re not going anywhere.” Still he acts like this is no big deal.

“Carter!” I shout at him.

“Babe.” He gets up from the chair, coming over to me. He lifts me, setting me on the counter. “He’s going to like you. Everyone likes you.” He says the last part like it’s a bad thing that everyone likes me. “Trust me,” he says before he kisses me. Like all of his kisses do to me, I relax, letting him calm me.

It isn’t until a throat is clearing that I jerk back to see a man standing there who looks very much like Carter. Only older with graying hair and a suit on.

“Knock, Dad,” Carter tells him as he steps back from me to head over to him.

“I did.” They give each other a half hug. I sit on the counter, not sure what to do. I lift my hand and wave like a dork. I want to use the same hand to facepalm myself. Carter walks toward me and before he can introduce me, I hop off the counter and hug his dad. I think he’s a little shocked but he hugs me back. I am nervous and my hands are sweaty so a handshake was out of the question.

“You must be my future daughter-in-law that I’ve heard so much about,” Mr. Franklin says before I can properly introduce myself. He probably thinks I’m crazy now. I don’t have to look at my face to know I’m blushing.

“What’s up with all the hugging?” Carter growls from beside me, pulling me back from his dad. His dad throws his head back and laughs at Carter’s jealousy.

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