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He could feel the pressure building in his balls. A tingle started at the base of his spine. He could hear Holden breathing heavily, knew he would be sensitive from just coming himself. Roe’s orgasm chased him down, caught him, and then he was calling out, spilling his load inside Holden, right where it belonged.

He fell down on top of him, then rolled off. The room felt muggy, smelled of sex and cum, and damned if Roe didn’t inhale deeply, wanting to breathe it all in.

“I love the scent of us in the air,” Holden said, reading his mind.

Roe turned, lay on his side, looking at the beautiful man beside him. “You really love me?” It wasn’t a question he’d ever had before. Part of him felt silly asking, but…fuck, he just felt so damn lucky. He’d found someone he clicked with in ways he never had with anyone.

“I do. I never saw this for myself.”

“I won’t hurt you. I won’t walk away from you.” Roe leaned down and kissed him. “We’ll figure it out. Together.”

“I like the sound of that.” A soft hint of vulnerability clung to Holden’s words.



They stayed in bed together for a few hours, talking, resting. At one point Roe lay on top of him, rutting their bodies together until they came all over each other again. It was close to three in the morning when Holden said, “I don’t usually have a hard time getting out of bed with someone, but I don’t want to leave.”

“I know.” Roe kissed the top of his head. “I don’t want you to either, but I think we’re on the same page.”

It was crazy how that could happen without them having any kind of conversation about it. They just got each other, thought the same way, and after everything that had gone down the day before, just jumping right into this—spending the night in the same bed and all—felt like too much. Not for him, and he didn’t figure for Roe either, but they should likely take it slow because of Lindsey and Wyatt. Sure, Wyatt wasn’t there, but Holden wanted to be sensitive to his feelings…and Lindsey’s, and also to be careful around Sean.

“Yeah, we are,” Holden finally replied. He got out of bed, Roe following behind him.

He was gathering his clothes when Roe said, “Hold on a minute.” He went into the en suite, wet a washcloth, and wiped down Holden’s groin and stomach. His cock immediately started to plump again. “Jesus, you’re like a twenty-year-old,” Roe teased.

“Not sure I could get all the way there again, but you expect me not to show some interest when you’re touching me?”

“I hope not,” Roe joked, tossing the rag into the dirty clothes.

Holden got dressed, they said their good-nights, and he slipped out of Roe’s room.

He didn’t get much sleep after that, if any. He tossed and turned, his mind racing with all the shit they had to sort through—his job, his apartment, Wyatt, Sean and Marilee. Adam. Were the three of them just supposed to crash at Roe’s house forever? He and Roe had both jumped the gun there, hovering and protecting like a couple of mother hens.

For some reason, that thought made him smile. They were so similar that way.

Where did they go from there, though? It wasn’t like Sean and Marilee were going to live in that cabin forever, and maybe it was smarter to get some space until they made sure things were okay with Roe’s family, but the thought twisted up his insides.

Christ. He didn’t want to leave Roe—at all. He was both a little embarrassed and in awe of the feeling. It was all so foreign to him.

It wasn’t long before he climbed out of bed and took a quick shower. When he got downstairs again, the house was quiet except for Roe, who was making coffee.

“Morning,” Holden said.

“Mornin’, darlin’,” Roe replied.

“You planning on calling me that all the time now?”

“If you’re lucky,” Roe teased.

They fixed up their morning dose of caffeine, then went outside. The world was just waking up around them. It was clear they’d gotten a bit of summer rain during the night—not too much, but some. “Gray sky morning,” Holden said. “Gonna be a good day.”

“Yeah,” Roe said. “I think it is.”

After they finished their drinks, they fed the animals and gathered the eggs.

Holden only had about a week left of work at Covington Acres, and only about two before he was due back in Atlanta.

“Want me to go out to the farm with you?” Roe asked.

“Nope. Though I appreciate the concern.” It would be awkward, sure, but Holden didn’t need Roe to hold his hand. He had a job to do, and he planned on getting it done the way he would any other day.

“Okay.” Roe nodded.

Holden woke Sean up, and Sean got dressed and ate a bowl of cereal before the two of them set off.

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