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“Fine. Why wouldn’t I be?”

“I don’t know…maybe because the really hot guy next door whom you’ve become friends with is here with his boyfriend?”

The hairs on the back of his neck stood. He hoped Lindsey’s question was because she knew him so well and not because his…discomfort was that obvious. “Still not a reason for me not to be okay.”

She cocked a brow. Goddamn her.

“Okay, fine, but I think it’s mostly the situation and not him. I like him, he’s gorgeous, and of course I want to fuck him, but I also think…I think it’s simply a reminder of what I don’t have.”

Maybe he needed to put himself out there more. Maybe he needed to date even if it was long-distance. Or hell, get on an app and at least find other queer men in the area. After Rich, it was like he’d given up and sealed his own fate of being alone.

“You know, odds are you’re not the only gay man locally.”

“Ha-ha, smart-ass. I know.” He just…wasn’t sure he wanted to put himself out there again. It had hurt too much the last time. He had everything he needed right there in Harmony. “Who would have thought we’d be this age and still be alone, huh?” he teased.

“Right? Why don’t men realize how fucking great we are?” Lindsey replied, making him laugh. “We really are great.”

He kissed the top of her head. “Yeah, we are.”

Before they could continue, Zeus and Wyatt ran out of the house. As if they were on the same timer, Holden, Marilee, Sean, and Vince came out of their cabin too.

“Oh God,” Lindsey said softly, and Roe had to agree. Vince was a tall man, with a happy smile, mahogany skin, and what was evidently a killer body. Of course Vince would be gorgeous.

Roe didn’t let his eyes linger long on the man, though. He looked at Sean, who was… Well, someone wasn’t too happy. He had his arms crossed and a dimness to his eyes. Roe’s gaze found Holden next. He gave Roe a big smile, one that was both real and a little not. He wasn’t sure how it could be both things, but that was what it felt like to him.

“Hey. Smells good out here,” Holden said when the two groups met.

“It’ll probably be the best food you’ve ever eaten. You should prepare yourself for that,” Roe teased.

“Cocky mother—trucker.”

“When Wyatt was little, we had a swear jar. I might have to get one out for you now,” Roe joked. It didn’t really bother him, though they were cautious with certain words.

“Dad, I’m not five. I’ve heard worse,” Wyatt said.

“Don’t remind me.” Roe held his hand out to Vince. “Hey, man. Monroe. Nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

He gave Roe a good, strong shake. “You too. Holden isn’t real chatty on a good day, but I keep hearing about the barn and riding, so you’ve clearly made an impact.” Vince chuckled.

“I don’t talk about him that much,” Holden countered.

“Babe…come on. Be real.”

Roe was stuck between wanting to puff out his chest because Holden talked about him, and bristling at…well, at his boyfriend calling him babe.

“Vince has the tendency to exaggerate,” Holden replied.

“Holden has the tendency to do the opposite,” Vince volleyed back. “Anyway, Wyatt and Lindsey, right?”

“Hi! It’s so nice to meet you!” Lindsey replied before Wyatt said his hellos. “I can take that from you. I’ll put it in the fridge until dinner is ready.” Lindsey plucked the bowl from Vince’s hands.

“There’s beer, water, and soda in the cooler.” Roe pointed.

As they sat down at the table, the two boys wandered off with the dog, and Roe wished like hell he could go with them.

They chatted for a while, Lindsey asking Vince about work, and him telling stories about their life and friends in Atlanta.

Vince engaged them all, asking questions about what Roe did both in Harmony and when he’d lived in DC, about his family, the farm, and things like that. Roe liked him, and he didn’t want to like him. He was mad at himself for not wanting to like him, so basically it was all a bit of a mess.

Soon, Marilee and Lindsey went off to have their own conversation.

“I don’t know if you’re interested,” Roe told Holden, “but I was talking about what you did on my barn, and my parents are looking to have some carpentry work done. I told them it’s not your trade, but when Mama saw the photos on my phone—”

“You took photos?” Holden asked.

Well, shit. He hadn’t meant to admit that. “I wanted to show my family the before and after.” Ridiculously, his cheeks heated. “Anyway, I said I’d bring it up. No worries if it’s not something you’d want to do.”

Vince nudged him. “You should do it. You had a blast working on that barn.”

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