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Lying on the ground I watch him walk off. The only thing I can see through the snow are the taillights as he pulls away.

I’m screwed.

I’m busted up good, but somehow, I need to find a way to get to my truck because my phone is sitting on the seat next to my laptop. I start trying to move my limbs and instantly realize I can’t feel much from the waist down. As much as I want to take a moment to curse the situation I need to focus all my energy on trying to drag myself towards my truck, which looks to be about twenty yards away. The pain that pulsates throughout my body as I put weight onto my right forearm and pull causes my vision to blur. And with each pull I cough up blood and gasp for more air.

I have no idea how long it takes me or how many times I was on the brink of passing out, but I find myself near the passenger’s door. My body is so cold at this point I have lost all feeling in my hands. Reaching up I fumble with the handle of the door. I’m able to pull on it enough for it to swing open. Spent, I lay there on the ground wondering if I have another ounce of strength to give when I hear my brother’s voice inside my head—

You fight. Fight for her and that baby. Fight for yourself. Fight for me. Get your ass up, Reid.

His voice sounded so real it felt like he was right beside me as I took my left arm and used whatever was left in me to hoist my body into the floorboard of the truck and reach for my phone. I can’t get my chest to expand enough to take in a full breath anymore and I know I’m about to lose consciousness any moment because adrenaline and willpower have all but gone. I pull up Gabriel’s number, swipe the screen, and wait.

"Where the fuck are you?" he asked frantically as he answers the phone.

I suck in every last bit of air I possibly have left in my body, "He’s here."

Chapter Twenty-five


“Okay girl, spill it," I hedge while sitting on the sofa next to Leyna. She stopped by earlier for a visit and said she would stay with me until Reid got here. She has been glued to her phone for the better part of an hour. Every time she reads an incoming text she gets a huge smile on her face. And there is no hiding the blush that has taken over her cheeks this very moment.

"What?" She feigns innocent and quickly slides her cell back into her pocket.

"Don’t what me, I’m not blind. Now tell me who he is. And before you try denying it again, I know it has to be a guy. Only a man could put a smile like that on your face. Not to mention you’re blushing."

Rolling her eyes, she confesses, "It’s nothing really. It can never be anything because my brother would hate me and kill him."

I scrunch my brows, "What does Gabriel have to do with anything? He just wants you to be happy. As long as this guy is good to you that’s all that matters."

She shakes her head, "No, I know my brother wouldn’t approve. It would never work Alba," she insists. Now she really has my attention.

"Who is it, Leyna?"

Throwing her body against the couch, she rests her head on the back and closes her eyes tightly. I see the strain in her face. Whoever this guy is, she cares for him but for whatever reason is afraid for anyone to know. Reaching over, I grab a hold of her hand and give it a little squeeze. Turning her head, Leyna looks at me. Letting out a deep groan she drops the bomb.


Tilting my head to the side I rack my brain. Lex?

At my confused expression she continues, "Alexander Taylor. As in Agent Alexander Taylor."

Suddenly recognition dawns on me and my mouth falls open.

"You mean the FBI Agent who rescued you?"

She nods her head in confirmation, "Sí, the one and only."

"Holy shit," I say staring at her.

Groaning again, Leyna throws her arm over her face and lays her head on the back of the couch.

"You see why I can’t tell my brother. The club and Feds do not mix. I mean you should have seen them the day Lex rescued me and brought me to Gabriel. If looks could kill, they both would have dropped dead on the spot," She waves her hand in dismissal, "It doesn’t matter anyway. We’re just friends."

I narrow my eyes at her with suspicion, "Just friends?"

When Leyna refuses to look at me I know she’s not only lying to me, she’s lying to herself. It’s written all over her face. It has been all day.

"Friends don’t make you smile the way you have been smiling all day every time you pick up your phone."
