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“Sure you don’t.” Luke winked. “He sure loves his uncle Nico.”

“The feelings are mutual.”

“You’ll make a great dad one day.”

Nico rubbed his nape. “You were pretty good with the kids too.”

“I love children. I hope to have my own someday.”

That just made Luke even more perfect. “I had no idea.”

“Now you do.”

Nico’s senses were short-circuiting. He tightened his hold on Luke’s waist, and glanced to his left. Seeing his sister so happy made him teary eyed.

“What’s wrong?”

Nico blinked quickly to clear his eyes. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m . . .” He caught himself. “I usually cry at weddings. This being E’s, I’ve cried more than usual.”

Luke leaned in and whispered into Nico’s ear. “Feel free to cry on my shoulder whenever you need to.”

Nico closed his eyes and rested his head on Luke’s shoulder. “Thank you.”

They stayed like that, swaying slightly, until someone tapped him on the shoulder.

“May I cut in?” Elisa slipped beside them in her dazzling white dress.

Nico stepped back so she could dance with Luke.

They each smacked one of his arms. “What? I figured you were tired of me by now.”

“No way, boo. Not happening.” She smiled at Luke. “I know you’ve been waiting all day to dance with him, but so have I. Do you mind sharing him for a few minutes?”

“Just a few. Then I want him back.” Luke backed away, grinning.

Nico took his sister’s hand and made small moves that barely qualified as dancing.

“First, thank you.” She kissed his right cheek. “Today was everything I wanted. And you made it happen.”

“Meh. It was mostly done when I got here.”

She squeezed his hand tight and shook her head. “Nope. You don’t get to do that. You did this for me, boo. I won’t forget.”

He scanned the ballroom until he locked eyes with Luke. Nico’s pulse raced. “Coming to Philly worked out pretty good for me, too.”

“Good. I want you to be happy, boo.” Tears formed around the edges of her eyes. “Will you do that for me?”

Nico blinked back the heat in his eyes. “How is that something for you?”

“Because I love you a hundred googolplex times.” They both laughed at her nine-year-old comeback. “Promise me you’ll try with Luke?” The song changed, and she led them into a quick dance. “You fit well together.”

They did fit together. “I promise.”

Her face lit up, and he spun her around once. While she twirled, he motioned with his eyes for Elliott to take over. The groom didn’t need to be asked twice.

“Thanks for thinking of me on your day.” He kissed her cheek and handed her back to her new husband.

She winked. “Every day is family day.”

He couldn’t argue with that.

Threading through dancers, he made his way toward the guy he planned to start his own family with.

The thousand-watt smile on Luke’s face burned away any doubts Nico might have had left. Luke wanted him.

He took Luke’s hand and kissed him chastely. “God, I wish I could kiss you more. Like, obscenely more.”

“Soon.” Luke’s grip shifted on his hip and he leaned toward his ear. “I might have gotten a key to your suite from Elisa. And I might have put my stuff in there.”

Nico pulled back, snorting. “And I might have given you my bag to take with you.”

Luke entwined their fingers and turned back to the dance floor. “Can I tell you something?”

“You can tell me anything.”

“I didn’t know what it meant to be in love until I met you.”

Nico slowly faced him, and Luke gazed back.

“It’s all the little things you do. You care about me and make me feel special. You never said it, but I knew. Because you showed me. Every day. That’s why I love you, Nico Amato.”

“I love you too, Luke.” As the staff cleared the tables, the weight of his wedding planner title vanished. He was free. No more duties. Well, none other than be ridiculously happy with Luke.

The guests seemed to sense something was happening and most of them left the dance floor. Including his nonna. On the arm of his cousin, CJ.

“Up for meeting another family member?”

“I thought I met all the important ones already.”

“Just one more. I want you to meet my cousin CJ.”

“Ah, the infamous CJ. What’s CJ short for?”

He took Luke’s hand and lead him across the room. “Carmine, Jr., but he hates Carmine, so stick to CJ.”

When his cousin spotted them, he waved. After making sure Nonna was in her seat, he circled the table and met them halfway.

“Nico!” He threw open his arms for a hug.

After they thumped each other’s backs in front of an amused Luke, Nico stepped back.

“CJ, this is my boyfriend, Luke.”

“Nice to meet you.” Luke held out his hand, but CJ went for a hug.

“Hey, hey.” Nico tapped him on the back. “Get your own boyfriend.”

“I kind of do, but Mom and Dad would’ve had a cow if I brought him.”
