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Nico pulled the second one from behind the first.

“Really?” He smiled and stepped closer. “Funny how these things always seem to happen to you.”

Nico held one out. “Would you believe I asked them to ready one for you?”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because I was hoping you’d be my date to my sister’s wedding.” He moved into Luke’s personal space. “Would you please go with me, Luke?”

“I’d love to be your date to the wedding, and everything else you want us to do.”

Nico put the suits down and wrapped his hands around Luke’s waist. “Oh, Mr. DeRosa. You say the darndest things.”

Chapter Nineteen


Luke: Hey. What are you doing?

Coury: Aren’t you at a wedding with your pretend boyfriend?

Luke: Nope. At a wedding with my real boyfriend!

Coury: FINALLY! Congrats!


Nico: So maybe you were right.

Isaiah: I hope that means what I think it means.

Nico: I’m in love with Luke.

Isaiah: Duh.

Nico: And he loves me too

Isaiah: I KNEW IT

Nico had done it.

The wedding went off without a hitch. The photos had been taken, the reception was in full swing, the band was playing, and everyone was jolly. Happy.

Nico scanned the crowd and stopped when he saw his father and Luke laughing at something Joey had said. Luke fit with his family like he’d known them forever. And because Nico’s family loved him, they accepted Luke like he’d been one of them just as long.

God, he hoped this lasted.

No. He didn’t need to hope.

It was real.

His father glanced in Nico’s direction, and the others followed his gaze. Nico waved and headed toward the kitchen to check on when they would serve the cake.

Two minutes later, he was back in the main hall.

“Nico,” Giuseppe Amato said from behind him. “I was looking or you.”

“Papà. Why aren’t you schmoozing with the guests? Or better yet, spending time with the bride?”

“Because I’m trying to track down my elusive son to thank him for all his hard work.” He put his hand on Nico’s left shoulder. “I’ll admit, I had my doubts when Elisa told me you were taking over.”

“I wasn’t going to let E down.”

“That alone should have told me you would do a wonderful job.” His father kept his grip on Nico’s shoulder. Just before the moment got awkward, he nodded. “Your mother and I plan to give you the rest of the fee we would have paid the planner.”

“You don’t need to do that, Papà.”

Giuseppe smiled. “Always the good son. But this is a gift. You did this for your sister and she . . . we all . . . appreciate what you did. You keep it and use it when you get your own place.”

Nico couldn’t swallow the lump in his throat. Unable to speak, he hugged his father.

“You deserve it, Nico.” He rubbed Nico’s back gently. “I’m very proud of you, for so many reasons. Just one more thing I can brag about.”

“Thank you, Papà.” Nico wiped his eyes and stepped back. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He glanced over Nico’s shoulder. “Luke is a wonderful person. Your mother and I are so glad you found someone to make you happy.”

Nico’s stomach somersaulted. “Papà, I am. Nerve-wrackingly so.”

Giuseppe held up his hands. “I know it’s too soon to say such things, but everyone likes him.”

Nico’s heart pounded. “That’s good, because I really like him.” His gaze caught on Luke approaching.

“I can tell.” Giuseppe squeezed Luke’s shoulder as he walked away.

“Hey, stranger.”

Luke looked gorgeous in his tuxedo, and Nico’s heart skipped. “Having fun?”

“Not as much as I could be having. My date has been avoiding me.” Luke winked. “But I’m hopeful the night will pick up.”

“Right. I’m such a hot commodity today.”

“Definitely hot.” He leaned in and kissed Nico’s cheek. “Will you dance with me?”

Nico touched his cheek, the touch of Luke’s soft lips lingering. “I have . . . stuff to do.”

“Actually, you don’t.” Luke took Nico’s hand and nodded toward the dance floor. “I spoke to the banquet manager while you were talking to your dad. The only thing left is the cake, and that’ll happen after the tables are set for dessert.”

Luke’s information was correct. “You’re plotting something.”

“Yes. I’m plotting to dance with you.”

Luke led them to an empty space close to where Elisa was dancing with Elliott. Lively music shifted to a slow dance.

“Perfect timing.” Luke waggled his eyebrows and draped his arms warmly over Nico’s shoulders. Nico breathed in Luke’s clean, soapy scent and wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist. Luke’s heat blazed against Nico, making his breath snag.

Luke swayed with him, met his gaze and didn’t let up.

“You and your brother are so different. Joey’s so serious.”

“He’s a doctor. I guess it comes with the job.”

“Yeah, maybe. And why do I feel like I met Nico age seven last night?”

“Elijah?” He hadn’t seen his nephew since Christmas, but Elijah had practically vaulted into his arms when he arrived. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
