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Ideally, though, he wouldn’t. There were social events as part of his unpaid internship, and attending them was more important than the work. Or so his father had claimed as he added more money than they’d discussed to Luke’s account.

“Thousands of people have great GPAs. They want to find out if you fit with everyone else who works there.”

Fuck. He needed to find a roommate. ‘Acceptable’ might not matter.

Luke groaned, sat up, and quietly retrieved his phone, not wanting to wake Coury. It was close to one, and both their alarms went off at seven.

He unlocked his phone, and the screen blinded him. Quickly, he dulled the brightness and checked his messages. Nothing.

So much for the online bulletin board.

He rubbed the end of his phone against his forehead. Fuuuck.

Vibrations racing over his skin had Luke jerking his phone down. A new message had popped into his inbox.

His heart raced as he caught the forwarding details from the bulletin board. The subject read: Room in Philly still available?

Okay, Luke didn’t believe in fate and all that bullcrap, but. Great fucking timing.

He read over the message. A student named Nico from Harrison. A last-minute summer change; he needed a room in Philly. No weird sugar daddy vibes, thank God.

Luke hurriedly logged in to the bulletin board and replied.

Hey Nico,

Yes, still looking for a roommate.

Apartment is in a good location close to downtown. A cozy place with a nice kitchen, decent bath and shower, too. Really lovely landlord. You saw the link with photos?


Luke jammed a pillow between his back and the wall and stared at his phone, hoping this Nico guy was still up. That he’d answer—

Luke grinned at another vibration.

Hi Luke,

Saw the pictures. Looks like a decent place. There’s only one picture of the master room though. And just writing this, I suddenly realize why you used the term “cozy.” It’s a one-bedder isn’t it?

You seem all right. (You’ve got grammar going for you) And you’re a guy, so you’ve hit a major button there. But sharing a bed might be jumping the gun a little. ;-)

Sorry, will have to pass.

Good luck,


Hey Nico,

Don’t pass, please? That “king” bed is really two twins connected by a bed bridge. I swear it’s two beds, we can push them apart. Please, I need a roommate who doesn’t expect me to pay him back in favors. (Don’t ask. Okay, do: there are some very cocky men out there. Pun intended. I mean, yes, I’m gay, but no, that doesn’t mean I’ll jump anyone. One, I like to know a guy first. And two, I’ve just been royally screwed by my cheating ex).

What I am trying to say is: you need a place. I have one. I’m sure we can figure out acceptable sleeping arrangements.



Sorry about your cheating ex. I guess he’s the reason you’re stuck looking for a roommate? What a bastard. I say this with confidence, because I’ve dated a bastard or two or three in my lifetime. (Sixteen, to be precise). So take my word on it, leaving you with all the rent is a sucky move.



Does that mean you’ll take the place? Or was that a gentle letdown? I can’t tell.

(Please take the place.)



Honestly, I wasn’t sure when I sent it either. My sympathetic side says take it, you idiot.

My logical side says one room? A whole summer? What if we’re not compatible?


What are you concerned about? Let me assure you, I am not a pervert.


Truth? Guys don’t often like what they see. I make them uncomfortable. I need to know you are secure in your own masculinity. That you won’t care.

Okay, so maybe I’m being worried for nothing, but I banged into a guy today who looked at me like filth. I’m sick of it.

Rooming makes me nervous. But I suppose, like you, I’m kinda desperate for a place.


Okay, that guy sounds like a dick.

If you’re anything like your emails, I’m sure we’ll make it through three months. But, if it makes you feel better, you can ask me questions to feel out our compatibility.

Totally not grinning that you’re desperate for a place,



I revealed my hand too soon, I see.

Below is my phone number. This email business is getting tedious. Text me.

Luke plugged Nico’s number into his phone, grinning in the dark like a hopeful idiot.

Luke: Ask away.

Chapter Three


Luke: Can you really arrange a wedding?

Nico: My sister thinks so.

Luke: lol.

Nico: Seriously, she’s my best friend. My summer plans blew up, so I’ll make it happen for her

Nico: Or go down swinging.

Luke: That’s awesome. And what happens if you go down swinging?

Nico: I bought tickets to Siberia. She hates the cold. She’ll never come looking for me.

Luke: Winnipeg might be safer. Russia doesn’t like gays.

Nico: True, hadn’t thought of that.

Luke: Maybe you need me to be your planner.

Nico snorted as the door to his dorm opened and his roomie, Isaiah, waltzed in.
