Page 73 of Dirty Curve

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With a frown, I nod. “Right. You think she’ll be upset?”

A laugh bubbles out of her throat, but it’s mocking, not to mention a little anxious. “Yeah, she’s gonna, might have a mini breakdown to go with. It fucking sucks, I’ll tell you that much.”

“Where is she?”

Her eyes fly up to mine. “Call her and ask,” she repeats. “I have to go, I’m supposed to be on a Zoom call, but I blacked out my screen when you knocked so they could be trying to talk to me this whole time.”

Nodding, I step away, heading toward campus as I try Meyer’s cell, but she doesn’t answer.

We got home late last night, and she was supposed to call me this morning, but when she didn’t, I figured I’d wait until after my exam to try her in case she was able to sleep in.

Guess she didn’t sleep in since she’s already up and out the door before ten-thirty.

I start to text her, but then my phone flashes with Xavier’s name.

“What up, man?”

“Bro, where you at? We said we wanted to leave by ten.”

Wait, what? “Leave where? I just got out of my exam.”

“Us too, dipshit, but we’re going to MiraCosta’s game, remember? Check out the third baseman that’s trying to take my spot on the team next year?”


“Yeah, yeah, I’ll be there in ten. I’m on campus.” I hang up, and with a sigh, make my way home, texting Meyer on my way.

Me: I want to see you today, Tutor Girl. Let me make you dinner.

Three little bubbles pop up, letting me know she’s responding, but they disappear a couple times before a message finally comes through.

My Tutor Girl: Hey, I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be home tonight.

My feet freeze in place, an instant frown building. Before I realize what I’m doing, I’ve typed out well where the fuck are you going to be, but quickly delete it and go with something that hides the possessiveness burning inside when every bone in my body is screaming to show it.

Me: Oh, yeah?

I don’t want to sound like a whiny bitch, so I quickly send something else, so she doesn’t have to respond to that.

Me: How about breakfast?

My Tutor Girl: I would say yes, but I don’t want to say yes and have to cancel. Today was a little unplanned, but I’ll call you tonight when I have a chance.

My jaw clenches, and I want to ask her where she’s at and where she’ll be, why she might not be home. She doesn’t have a car and Bianca is at her house, so what other option is there and why didn’t she invite me to tag along?

Now that my exam is over, I’m free and since we’re both off, something that likely won’t happen again, since she’s only off because of the trip to Bispo, I wanted to take her somewhere, get off campus so I could have her to myself again.

Two days wasn’t enough, but maybe it was enough for her?

She didn’t even ask me about my—

My thoughts are cut off when my phone beeps.

My Tutor Girl: By the way, I checked your scores ... I KNEW YOU WOULD ACE THAT EXAM!

My mouth hooks to one side, and I lick my lips, getting my ass moving toward my house again.

That right there was all I needed, just a little something from her.

She said she’ll call me tonight, and I’ll be answering on the first fucking ring.

Xavier and Neo are waiting outside for me when I get there, and we load into X’s ride, headed for the game.

I pull up the article in the school paper once more and scroll down to the comments section where people are placing bets on who Meyer is and if the baby in the car seat is mine. There’re the usual haters filling the thread, but it’s the heart-eyes emojis and ‘lucky him’ comments that I focus on.

“What are you smiling at back there, fucker?” Neo teases.

“Your sister sent me nudes,” I joke, looking up in time to dodge his backhand and watch as Xavier shakes his head.

I tuck my phone back in my pocket, smacking the back of the seat. “So, how are we gonna do this? Slide in quietly, sit back and watch this team attempt to look like a team?”

“Nah, we had a better idea.” X laughs, nodding at Neo.

Neo lifts a bag from the floorboard, tossing it my way.

The contents spill in my lap and I can’t help but laugh.

Well, all right then.


It’s the second inning by the time we’re changed and making our way down the main aisle that leads to the bucket seats above their dugouts.

The crowd starts to laugh and shout and just as my boys wanted, we gain the attention of the home team in our shark costumes. The camera crew zooms in on us, putting us up on the big screen. So, we do the little dance our mascot does at the home games and jiggle our shark tales in circles.
