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“But why, they didn’t know, how could they have stopped it?”

“It’s not that easy baby, they’re powerful men, men like that hate feeling like they’ve failed, add the fact that you look so much like their long lost sister and the guilt is only intensified.”

“But I don’t want them to feel guilty.” My soft girl sounded close to tears. Was it any wonder I wanted to destroy those who’d done her harm? How could I not want to avenge one so perfectly precious?

“Ssh, it’s okay, time will take care of that I think, but,..there’s something else…….”

I didn’t say anything else for a while suddenly not too sure this being in love shit is a whole new world, usually I could give a fuck so what someone else thought didn’t matter too much to me, with Delia I cared too much so I found myself weighing every decision, trying to choose what was best for my wife.

“What, what is it?” She lifted her head from my chest and looked at me.

“We’ve decided what to do about your family.” I said it in one long breath and then I held my breath as I felt her body tighten against me.

Chapter 19


I spent the next hour trying to explain things to her but she wasn’t quite there yet.

“But she’s still my mom.”

“No, no she’s not, don’t give in to some melancholic make believe dream here baby. You and I both know that she was never a mother to you, not in any sense of the word.”

She started crying again which was in no way helping her case, for every tear that fell, I was going to fuck them over even worse.

Eventually I took the reins back, with her head clasped between my hands, I looked into her wet eyes.

“You don’t have to do anything okay love, none of this is your fault. I put my hand on her stomach.

“Would you let harm come to her?”

“Of course not.” She hiccupped through her answer.

“If someone tried to harm me in any way……” She got the meanest look I’d ever seen on her little face before I could even finish the sentence.

“Ah, ah, ah, you see, do you see how you feel with just the thought of someone hurting me? Well I saw them hurt you Delia, a lot, how do you think I feel? Do you think you love me any more than I love you? Do you think I mean more to you than you do to me? Not possible sweetheart. I won’t let them get away with what they did to you. I know you don’t understand and that’s okay for now but they must pay. Do you know I was willing to let things go?”

She looked at me skeptically, but I ignored that, she knew her husband was a vengeful sort.

“I was going to try to respect your wishes and let things slide but then Celine hurt you and they hid her whereabouts. It didn’t matter to them that my innocent child could’ve been harmed, all they cared about was protecting their precious fucked up daughter, well your father, uncles, and especially your husband wants to show them that you’re no longer what they tried to make you. You’re loved and cherished….no no don’t cry beautiful girl it’ll be alright you’ll see.” I dried the tears that had fallen wishing she’d never shed another over their undeserving asses.

“Everything’s going to be fine babygirl, nothing’s really going to change now is it, besides we have peanut to prepare for we’ll be too busy to think about anything else. Now all you need to do is stay happy and healthy, I don’t want you worrying about any of this, it’s not good for you and it’s not good for our little peanut.”

“But I won’t see them…….”

“Do you want to see them?”

There was no way in hell she was going anywhere near them, not if I could help it, I just wanted her to come to the realization on her own that she didn’t need them, that she was better off without them. Peanut for damn sure was never going to breathe the same air as them and she wouldn’t be missing anything.

Between the Escalante brothers, my parents and her aunt and uncle, my little girl was going to be set for people to spoil her, not to mention a father who couldn’t wait to lavish her with love and everything her little heart desired and Delia, well I just imagined she’d be the greatest mother to our little peanut. She had so much love in her after all how could she not be?

Fuck the Fieldings.

“By the way, we never talked about you sneaking out of the house behind me that day and following me to their house. Don’t do that again, I don’t care what you think might be going on you don’t go against my wishes, understood?”

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