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My babygirl was alright though, both of them were, and that’s all that mattered to me. I’ve been extra loving and tender with her, I knew when this shit was over she was going to have a hard time dealing with the fallout. Who the fuck could deal with assholes for parents?

Hopefully by then she’d have realized that she was better off without them.

I’ve been at the office for a couple hours already, dad thought I should stay home with her one more day, but I convinced him that she was okay there alone, I’d taken a ton of time off already and although my original plan was to take off longer, her injuries was such that I felt comfortable leaving her on her own. Besides the bulk of my cases were scheduled for today, if I could knock them out then I could have a three day weekend.

I’ve called home every hour on the hour though, I even found myself doing something I’d never done before, making a patient wait while I checked in with her.

She kept laughing at me because she would hang up the phone only to be answering it again in ten minutes as she puts it. Cute.

“Chase we’re good, really, I haven’t even moved, well hardly except to go to the bathroom, I’m going to get fat if I keep this up.”

“You’re perfect, just keep dong what you’re doing, I know what the docs say but you took a pretty hard fall and you were out for a little bit, I don’t want you overdoing it okay?”

“So you don’t trust your colleagues?” She joked.

“No, when it comes to you and peanut I don’t trust anyone but myself.” The silly nickname for the baby was stuck, poor thing.

“Okay, can I at least make dinner for us tonight?”

“No, I’ll be home in time to put something together, just concentrate on getting better. I put a sandwich and a salad in the little fridge, there’s plenty juices and water in there as well, and those chocolate covered almonds you can’t live without.”

She squealed at that, such a girl, I sometimes forget how young my wife is. She still has a touch of the innocent left in her. It warmed my heart to know that in the short time we’d been married she’d started breaking out of her shell, she smiled more now, enjoyed things. Sometimes I would catch her playing with my choker around her neck with a dreamy smile on her face. I had explained to her that the choker meant she was mine in all ways forever. It seemed to give her comfort.

It’s been two nights without making love, after she’d broken through my resistance the first night I’d put my foot down, that’s a first since our wedding, I hoped we didn’t have too many more nights like those, this morning I was hard as fuck and my girl was needy, rubbing her heat against me, whining in her sleep. She missed her daddy’s loving too.

Tonight though, tonight we’d be back to tearing up the sheets.

I got off the phone with her after ascertaining that there had been no surprises, no one had tried to get in or call. Huh, so far so good.

It was four thirty in the afternoon, Charlotte the receptionist that I shared with dad had just informed me that my last appointment for the day was in half an hour and then I was free and clear.

It was a consultation with an elderly lady who already had an opinion from another specialist but wanted a second opinion and maybe a third.

Dad and I had a reputation for no bullshitting, we took pride in our profession, helping people or making them healthy if we could was our number one priority. Yes we made great money, but that’s not why we got into the field.

My family has been well to do for generations so money wasn’t an issue. Anyone who got into the medical field just to get rich was an outright asshole.

Anyway, because of mine and dad’s rep for straight shooting and putting the patient’s needs first, we had more patients than we could handle. It kept us both busy which I never used to mind before, but now with Delia waiting at home for me in the evenings I found myself resenting the time I spent away from her. She was fast becoming my everything, my whole world. That’s saying a lot considering a few short months ago I had been ready to swear off women.

She wasn’t like anyone else I knew though, she was genuinely sweet, naive and damn near innocent. In fact, outside of my corruption of her she was still relatively innocent, funnily enough I wanted to keep her that way.

When the commotion came ten minutes before my last appointment of the day I can’t say I was surprised. I’d expected it, been waiting for it almost, but I think I was still a little floored by their audacity.

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