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I came out in the middle of Charlotte repeating her mantra of you can’t go in there. Of course it was both of them, they travelled in pairs or packs like most vile things did.

“It’s okay Char, I’ll see the Fieldings, you can knock off for the rest of the day.”

“Okay if you’re sure Dr. Thornton, your father’s still in his office if you need him.” She gave my two visitors a suspicious look before grabbing her purse and heading out the door.

I led them out of he waiting room and into an empty office between mine and dad’s. I wouldn’t dignify them with a visit to my private office, they aren’t welcomed, why should I pretend?

“Make this quick, I have a patient in a few minutes.”

“We want you to undo it.” Joann was her usual snarly annoying self, which meant I was ready to annihilate her ass coming out the gate.

“Undo what Joann?”

“You know what, you had your brother buy up our mortgage and call in the loan. Where are we supposed to come up with that kind of money?”

“I’m sure the bank gave you time to come up with it didn’t they?”

“Ten days, where will we get one point five million dollars in ten days?”

I shrugged my shoulders in a how the fuck should I know gesture. This bitch knew the deal, she knows what I want, I refuse to play her game. I don’t trust this family at all. How they’d managed to raise my babygirl was a complete and total fucking mystery, because she was nothing like these monsters.

Not once had they asked about her, after hearing that their pregnant daughter had been attacked, their only concern has been for her attacker, they could give a fuck about my wife and I could give a fuck about them.

“There’s nothing I can or will do for you, if that’s all you need to go I’ve wasted enough time on you already.”

“We’ll not stand for it.” She moved to block my path, not exactly a smart move on her part.

“Stand for what exactly?” I folded my arms across my chest, spread my legs apart and waited, this ought to be good.

“We’ll not be bullied by the Thorntons, just because you have money and we don’t……”

“Stop right there, the “Thorntons” aren’t attacking you, or bullying you. I am. Direct your anger towards me, I told you what would happen if you crossed me. Your fucking bitch of a daughter brought harm to my wife and child…..” I shouted in her face finally reaching my limit.

“Your wife and child, your wife and child, that’s all you think about, what about Celine what she’s been through, do you think it’s been easy for her, how can she keep her head up in our community after what you did?”

“After what I did huh, I don’t recall being anywhere on that tape, that was your bitch of a daughter and her greed, you really are a piece of work, now I see why she has such a false sense of entitlement, it’s all you, you’re a joke, your tyranny of Delia is at an end. You want to keep Celine’s whereabouts a secret, go right ahead, I’ll find her eventually. In the meantime I’ll destroy everything you hold dear, I will take everything from you.”

“What have we ever done to you Thornton?”

“Oh ho, Carl Fielding, finally found your balls I see, I thought your bitch of a wife and whorish daughter had neutered you long ago, what was that again, what have you ever done to me? Nothing, absolutely nothing, other than spawning that bitch who humiliated me and my family.”

“We had nothing to do….”

“Shut up Joann I’m not finished, you might not have done anything to me, but you did plenty to Delia, my wife, the mother of my child.”

“You keep saying that but it’s not true.”

“It’s not true, I didn’t watch you for months belittling and putting her down, always choosing Celine over her even when she was wrong? I didn’t hear the insults, see the put downs, did you think I was blind and deaf?” At least the dickless wonder had the decency to look ashamed. Too late asshole.

“That’s enough Chase, you don’t owe them any explanations, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding, I would appreciate it if you left now. The next time you come onto my property I will have you arrested.”

“This is public property, it’s a doctor’s office for heaven’s sake.”

“You’d think so wouldn’t you, but no, it’s mine and I reserve the right to see whom I will, I don’t choose to see you. Goodbye.”

“You people don’t understand…”

“I understand as a father that you two are severely lacking in the parental department, I understand that a member of your family sought to bring harm to my son.”

“Delia’s a part of this family too…”

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