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“Let us through.”

I told them who I was and that I was a doctor and divulged the information that Delia was pregnant.

I’d checked her over and there was no sign of bleeding but you never now, she would have to go to the hospital either way.

The same elderly lady who said her name was Myrna Jones was telling the officers what happened.

“And then she just hauled off and hit her, then pushed her and ran.”

Wait a minute “What?”

“Sir let us handle it please.”

Uh huh, sure. I kept my mouth shut and my ears opened.

I was already coming to my own conclusions but I needed to hear this to be one hundred percent sure.

I felt my blood run from cold to hot, as anger like I’ve never felt pounded into me.

When she gave the description of the assailant I felt myself go into that place, it was a place that I steered away from as much as possible, it didn’t do anyone any good when I went there, but every once in a while I visited it.

“Do you know who that is sir?”

What to tell them should I admit that I knew it was my sister in law and let them handle it, or should I deal with this on my own?

Either way I would be the one to make her pay, but if I got them involved that might put a limit on how far I could go with my retaliation. On the other hand it wouldn’t take much for them to look into our background, find the key players and put two and two together.

I had to think.

“Sir we’re ready to transport your wife if you’re coming with us.”

“You guys will have to question me later I have to see to my wife.”

I headed out the door reminding myself to find the old lady and thank her, and the one who had made the phone call, what was her name again…..oh yes Justine.

Delia awakened in the ambulance, I’d already called mom and dad to let them know what was going on, of course thy said they would meet us there.


“I’m right here baby.”

I held her hand and brushed her brow with my lips, my little girl. I felt tears prick my eyes I don’t think I would get the image of her on that floor out of my head if I lived to be a hundred.

I couldn’t even bring myself to think about my daughter, I prayed that she was okay, that they both would be, Delia couldn’t handle a loss like that, it would destroy her.

“Do you remember what happened?”

“Somebody hit me, I think, I heard a noise and then everything hurt, then I fainted I guess.”

She hadn’t fainted she’d been knocked out cold. I felt the rage fighting for dominance, not now, she needs calm and steady right now.

But later, later I would take care of that bitch once and for all.

I’d been almost tempted to leave it alone, for Delia’s sake, to give up my need for vengeance, to maybe go only as far as seeing to it that Delia had the best things in life, but this meant war.

As soon as I was sure that my little family was safe, I was going on the warpath.

That bitch fucked with the wrong one, I will destroy her, her mother, her father, any and everything she cherished on this earth would be taken.

And if Delia or my child were harmed…well…let’s just say there wasn’t anything I wasn’t willing to do.

Chapter 9


Everything was okay thank heaven, just a little bruising, a slight bump on the head, the little one was fine, well, both my little ones were fine.

I kept my anger in check I didn’t even tell her who had accosted her, I will of course, but later, right now I wanted us to concentrate on her and the baby.

I took her home, made her some soup and put her to bed, poor baby she was worn out with worry about the baby.

I already knew I wasn’t going to let this go, cops or no cops, they knew by now that it was Celine who had attacked her, they had her on tape, but wonder of wonders she was in the wind.

No problem, I knew just how to smoke the bitch out, by the time I was through the Fieldings were gonna wish they’d never ever heard of me.

“Get some sleep baby, I’ll be right here okay.”

She was lying with her head on my chest, I wouldn’t leave her until she was asleep she needed her daddy to make her feel safe.

There would be no sex tonight though, her body had sustained enough trauma for one day, but I could still make her feel good in other ways, hopefully I could stop myself from going too far.

I used long slow strokes up and down her back to soother her, while kissing her face, her body gradually relaxed against mine.

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