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The Thorntons hadn’t stayed around much longer after we left so I don’t know what else happened after we left and I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. That was a bad scene.

I have the taste for Rocky Road ice cream, I don’t mean like ‘oh, I could really go for some rocky road ice cream’, I mean like ‘if I don’t get at least a pint of rocky road ice cream pronto I just might die.

Chase’s going to be late getting home, I have the keys to my new Mercedes Wagon, there’s nothing stopping me from running to the local market before it closes at eight.

I’m wearing lulu lemon yoga pants and a tank in black and yellow because I just finished my stretches and because Chase says he can’t resist my ass in them.

I grab my keys off the hook and head out, mouth already watering for that ice cream, I should probably stock up.

The parking lot is all but deserted, good, this means I can get in and get out in a hurry.

Of course no one in history has ever gone to the store to pick up one thing and left without buying out half the store.

It’s so good to finally be able to go to the store and buy whatever I wanted as opposed to what someone else liked.

When I’d let it slip that my mother’s pantry was stocked with Celine’s favorite foods he’d gotten so mad, he’d driven us to this very store and had me pick out whatever I wanted.

Let’s just say I was a kid in a candy shop, no I didn’t buy candy, well not just anyway. Since then he’s been a bear about me getting things I like whenever we go anywhere together.

I had a cart full of crap, cereals and fruit, and snacks and about five pints of ice cream. Time to cash out and head back home, Chase should be home any minute and I hadn’t called to tell him where I was going. He’d freak for sure.

I heard a high pitched screech and then felt pain in my lower back, I went down hard, and then……nothing.


I was climbing into my car when my phone rang. It said babygirl on the screen.

I smiled before I answered, probably needed me to pick her up one of her craving fixes, I should’ve called before I left the office.

She was the cutest little mommy to be, with her crazy cravings, peanut butter and strawberries for one, I tried to make sure we were fully stocked but she ate the peanut butter by the spoonful these days so we might’ve run out.

“Hi sweetheart.”

“Sir, I don’t know who you are, we found your number on speed dial in this lady’s phone, you need to get to the Cloisters Grocery as soon as possible, the police and ambulance are on their way.”

“Where’s my wife, what happened to her?”

To say my heart was going wild would be an understatement.

“There was a type of an accident here tonight sir, your wife was knocked over in the store and she’s been out for about five minutes.”

My wife, my kid; my blood ran cold.

I was driving before I even realized it, I’d hung up on the lady on the phone without saying anything else, all I could think about was getting to her as fast as I could.

I got there in ten minutes, in that time a lot ran through my mind, not the least was what in the hell she was doing out this time of night by herself, followed by what kind of condition I was gonna find her in when I got there.

I admit, I was scared out of my fucking mind, if anything happened to either of them I don’t know what I would do.

She was my world, my heart beat, it still amazes me the way we met, how we came to be in each other’s lives, that something so ugly could’ve brought about the most beautiful thing in my life, and I would be forever thankful for it.

I saw the lights flashing coming towards me as I reached the door of the store.

There were about three or four people huddled over something on the ground.

I ran towards them and found Delia crumpled on the floor, an overturned cart lying scattered nearby.

What the hell happened, had she tripped over her feet again?

I felt cold fear clutch my heart.

“Excuse me, this is my wife, someone called me……” I got down next to her and felt for broken bones the whole time my heart beating out of control.

“That was me sir, I’m Justine Spooner.”

“Could someone tell me what happened?” Was that me sounding so calm? I didn’t feel calm.

“Yes sir, I saw the whole thing.”

This came from an elderly lady who looked ready to do battle.

By now the EMTs had entered along with the cops, wait a minute cops? Since when were cops called for a simple slip and fall?

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