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Scanning my work, I nod with approval at the chapters I’ve written. My growly stomach isn’t interested in me spending any more time working today though. Using the arms of my chair to support me, I hoist myself free from my seat and try not to waddle as I walk out of the office.

“Mama!” Sophia spots me first and abandons Hardy on the couch to run over to my side. She wraps her chubby little arms around my leg and squeezes tight.

“Hey, cutie-pie,” I reach down and pull her up, snuggling her close. “Whatcha doing out here?”

“Pwaying pwincess!” She clasps her hands together like it’s the most exciting thing in the world. And, to a toddler, maybe it is.

“Ahh, doesn’t Daddy look pretty?” I laugh as I soak in Hardy. With a sparkling plastic tiara resting on his head and a tiny teacup in his hand, he looks like a giant who’s trying to use things made for mere humans. “Looking good.” I wink at him.

“He’s the most bee-you-tiful pwincess of all,” our daughter exclaims.

I’d have to agree. Hardy’s eyes twinkle as he pretends to sip some invisible tea from the cup. “Uh-oh, our tea is getting cold, Princess Sophia,” he warns her.

“Mama, put me down, pweease.”

“Sure thing.” I ease her back to the floor and she jets back across the floor to Hardy’s side where they both lift a cup, pinkies in the air and clang them together before taking tiny sips at the air.

I head over toward the kitchen and my boys almost mow me over. I swear these two are like that old Looney Tunes cartoon of the Tasmanian Devil. They get themselves going and it’s just a path of pure destruction where they play.

“Arrr! Get back here, dirty rascal!” Frank, or twin number one, as I often call him, chases Benny around the room.

“Never!” Benny leaps over the chairs and around the coffee table with a grace I’m not sure I’ve ever had and I certainly don’t have now that I’m in my last trimester.

“Boys, be careful, okay?” Owen calls across the space.

They both visibly slow down, but their game is far from over. “Okay, Dad,” they answer in unison.

“Anything I can help you with?” I walk over to the kitchen with what feels like all the grace of a duck.

“Not a single thing.” Owen smiles at me, his blue eyes twinkling. “You’ve done enough for one day. I mean, if you really want to help, I guess you could sit there and look pretty. Oh, looks like you’ve got that covered.” He winks at me.

I ease down into one of the bar stools at the island and smile. “Listen, I don’t need you charming me anymore. That’s what got us into this mess, remember?” I laugh, rubbing my swollen belly and nodding at our busy home.

“Ahh, you love it.” He grins.

He’s right. I do love it. I love how my full house mirrors my full heart. I love that I’m still writing what I love, even if that does mean I followed a different path. I love how we’ve made this work. I’m just brimming up with love. I never thought I could be this happy.

Tears fall down my cheeks and I sniffle. Surprisingly, the boys are the first to notice. My twins stop trying to make each other walk the plank and stand at my side.

“Mom?” Benny looks up at me. “Why are you crying?”

“Yeah, are you okay?” Frank’s green eyes are full of concern.

“Oh no!” Sophie puts her hands on her cheeks and rushes over to me. “Mama is crying!” She’s clearly distraught.

“No, hey, don’t worry about me. I’m not sad.” I sniffle and brush away my tears.

“Then why are you crying?” Frank asks.

“It sounds crazy, but sometimes people cry when they’re happy too,” Hardy explains and joins us. He steps in behind me and puts his large hands on my shoulders, slowly rubbing little circles into my muscles.

“Yeah, don’t worry. I’m not sad. I’m just so happy, I love you guys so much.” I sweep my arms around my children and pull them into my sides.

“Oh, I’m getting in on this.” Owen drops his spoon by the side of his pot and comes over to the crowd.

All of them squeeze into me as they surround me with their love. My children are pressed against me, my newest one is snug inside my belly and my two men are wrapping their arms around the outside of the entire brood. For a minute, I’m in pure Mommy heaven as I just enjoy the warm snuggles of my amazing family.

This is love.

This is happiness.

This is my happy ever after.

The End

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