Page 96 of The Tides of Memory
She wanted him to scoop her into his arms again and take her back into the bedroom. This time, however, she wanted him to stay with her. To lift the shirt over her head. To slip out of his pajamas. To cover her body with his.
To bury himself inside her until this damn, gnawing longing within her found some relief.
They stared at each other as if silently communicating all the sexual things they wanted to do to each other. Energy crackled between them as Niamh grew slick with the fantasies rushing through her mind.
Kiyo’s nostrils flared, and she knew as his features hardened with restraint, as his hands curled into fists, that he’d smelled her arousal. Movement caught her attention and her gaze flickered downward.
Her breath caught.
She wasn’t the only one aroused.
Her eyes flew back to his.
Touch me, then, she wanted to demand, but didn’t. Reach out for me. I’ll give you what you want.
Instead she watched Kiyo fight against his physical desires, his jaw muscles flexing.
But he didn’t move away.
In fact, his expression was challenging.
And realization dawned like a bucket of ice water.
Kiyo was waiting for her to make the first move because it meant he wouldn’t have to take responsibility for anything that happened between them. It would be Niamh’s fault.
That goddamn, fecking, furry arsehole.
Sexually frustrated and furious, Niamh threw him a dirty look, then lunged out of the lounger but in the direction of the bedroom. She slid the patio door open with enough force to break the thing, but she didn’t care, as long as a room separated them.
Blood rushed in her ears with her anger.
A strong hold gripped her biceps and then her body jerked backward in a spin. She let out a sound of surprise as her chest collided against Kiyo’s.
He crushed her mouth beneath his.
It was a deep, hungering, punishing, brutal kiss.
And Niamh relished every second of it, kissing him back with as much need and aggression. The taste of him, the heat of him … he was perfect. He was right.
He fit her.
And it wasn’t enough.
It felt like it would never be enough.
She needed him inside her.
His grip was tight around her arms as he abruptly broke the kiss. The lights in the paper lampshades flickered by the bedside.
Was she doing that?
Niamh couldn’t think.
Kiyo was glaring at her like a man starving.
She thought he might stop, and if he did, she would more than likely scream from the frustration of it all.
Yet he surprised her once again.
His head bent toward hers, his hair tickling her chin as he brushed his lips over hers. Gently. Just a whisper. The sensation was somehow more erotic than the wet, hungry kiss they’d shared seconds before. Niamh whimpered and leaned into him, feeling his erection dig into her stomach.
He pressed his lips more firmly to hers but the kiss was still soft. Slow. A seduction.
Her palms slid over his hard pecs, her fingers digging lightly into his smooth, warm skin. He groaned against her lips and as their hands restlessly caressed one another, the kiss built in tempo until Niamh was overwhelmed by the taste of him on her tongue.
Her lips were wrenched from his but only because he’d grabbed the hem of her T-shirt to whip it over her head. Kiyo’s gaze burned on her breasts as he pushed her toward the bed. Then she was falling, landing across the mattress in a sprawl of hot limbs and desperate need. Strong, agile fingers hooked into her underwear and then they were gone, cool air making her tingle between her legs. Kiyo rid himself of his pajama bottoms faster than she’d seen any man move and suddenly, he was braced over her on the bed.
Kissing her mouth, her neck, her breasts, sucking her nipples.
It was a fever, a hurry, as if he couldn’t touch and taste every inch of her fast enough. Every one of Niamh’s nerve endings sparked with a sensation that was beyond this world. No one had ever affected her like this. Like they were energy connecting and crackling with impact.
Her hands roamed freely, exploring him, his strong back and the way it dipped in a valley before meeting his muscular arse, the ripples of his hard abs, the flex of his muscles in his arms. Fingers slid through his thick, soft hair, caressed his lush mouth as her own pouted into a moan when he touched that magical spot between her legs.
Her skin flushed so hot, she was sure she was going to burst into flames, her heart hammering hard and fast in her chest as he circled her clit with his thumb, all the while sucking and laving at her nipples until they felt almost painful and swollen with sensation.
“Kiyo,” she panted, climbing toward that clifftop she’d only ever reached alone—
His thumb disappeared.