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Stop it, the voice in my head scolded. You’re just a little girl he met randomly yesterday. He probably has women falling over him all the time.

That was true, I acknowledged. But at the same time, I couldn’t stop myself from thinking of him. I wanted to see that huge cock and to hold it in my hands. I wanted to worship it on my knees, to feel it brushing against my plush folds as I moaned sweetly for him. I wanted to hold myself open as he plunged in, making me a woman.

And suddenly, Shaft was here. A big form materialized behind me, and I sensed him rather than saw him at first. A frisson ran through the air, making me shiver, and I almost fell off the treadmill when I realized who was beside me.

“Hi,” I stammered, pushing the stop button on the machine. The belt jerked to a halt so fast that I literally did fall then. Oof! Why don’t they tell you these things? Stop means stop, I get that. But did it have to halt so suddenly that I lost my balance?

But the alpha was there. I tumbled backwards right into those strong arms, my plush form pressed against his male hardness.

“Easy, pretty baby,” he growled with an amused tone to his voice. “Easy.”

I was so stunned that I couldn’t move at first. My breasts were smashed against his chest, my crotch pressed against his thigh.

And as if to tease me, he moved his leg, rubbing intimately against that sweet spot where no one could see.

“You alright?” he growled, voice low as it wafted over my hair. “These things can be pretty sudden if you don’t know how to use them.”

Oh god, that leg moved again subtly, and I parted my thighs slightly, letting it rub against my clit.

“Ohhh,” came my breathless moan. “Oh.”

I could almost feel his smile as those strong arms pulled me closer.

“Oh is right,” he murmured. “You need some help, don’t you sweetheart?”

I moaned again, smashing my breasts even more against his chest as my pussy watered.

“Um yes,” I murmured. “I need some help.”

Suddenly, I came to my senses. What the hell was I thinking? Was I really going for a joyride on this guy’s thigh, humping it like a dog in heat? Was I really that slutty?

So face flushed, I pulled back suddenly, stammering and red.

“Oh hi from yesterday,” I muttered, barely able to look him in the eye. “I’m a klutz. It’s inherited, my mom was a klutz too.”

Those blue eyes gleamed as his muscles bulged.

“No sweat,” he said. “I’ve got big hands because my mom has big hands as well. See?” he said, holding up one massive paw.

I looked up and sure enough, his palm was as big as a plate. But unbidden, the saying suddenly ran through my head. Men who have big hands also have big …

My face grew red and Shaft smiled as if he could read my mind.

“So what are you doing today?” he asked, nodding at the treadmill. “Putting in miles? What else?”

What else? Well, I didn’t really have anything else, to be honest. So I flushed again, hanging my head a bit.

“Well, I was thinking I’d do some running, and then maybe hit the elliptical,” I murmured. “Lots of cardio is good.”

Shaft’s blue eyes gleamed.

“Cardio is good,” he agreed. “But you have to get a balanced work-out in. If you only do cardio, that’s bad. It’s important to include some strength exercises to build up your core,” he said.

“My core?” I parroted, confused. “You mean like my abs?”

The alpha threw his head back and laughed, revealing perfect white teeth.

“Your core as in your torso,” he said with an amused smile. “Everyone these days is so focused on abs that they forget there’s a lot more than the six pack. What I mean is you’ve got to work to build strength in your torso so that it can support you during all other exercises. Otherwise, you’re bound to hurt yourself.”

“Oh,” I said dumbfounded. “I get it.”

Shaft shot me an easy smile.

“Why don’t I show you some easy exercises?” he suggested. “We’ll go slow. I promise.”

And with that, I found myself in the weight room with the handsome man. There were a few people milling about, staring in the mirror with fixed expressions as they lifted barbells. But otherwise, it felt like we were alone.

“So do you come to the gym every day?” I asked shyly as my new personal trainer placed two-pound weights in my fists. “Is this a regular thing?”

He nodded.

“Sure thing. Only way to stay fit,” he grinned, stepping back and straightening my arms as I held them out from my body.

His smile was contagious and I smiled back, tentatively lifting my arms to shoulder height.

“That’s right,” said Shaft. “Keep going,” he said. Slowly, I lowered my arms, Shaft holding my wrists lightly as they descended.

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