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He watched her lips tremble, and he knew she was still too hurt and afraid to let herself cry.

“But I see you now, babe. I see you clearly, and I believe in us.” He gripped her hand and pressed the most heartfelt kiss to her palm. “Please, babe, please...” He broke off, the strength of his emotions making Dylan unable to speak.

“Believe in us once more, babe.”


“You didn’t answer your phone again, babe.” Dylan Charbonneau’s voice came out in a sexy, arrogant, and cool drawl, a clear sign that he was pissed off and jealous like hell.

It made her smile as she listened to his words. Classic rock star syndrome, she thought, this time dealing with rock stars who hated not getting what they wanted.

“I had classes,” she answered in a soothing voice. “Of course I couldn’t answer my phone—-”

“Tell them you’re my girlfriend and they’ll let you,” he countered silkily.

She rolled her eyes. “Riiiiight...”

He bit back a frustrated sigh. How did it turn out like this? A rock star shamelessly dropping hints hoping that an eighteen-year-old girl would give him the honor of calling her his girlfriend?

“Are we meeting tonight?”

“Unfortunately no,” she said with genuine sadness. “I’ve got a meeting in the library. I’m on my way there, actually.”

“What if I drop by and—-”


He paused.

She said guiltily, “Sorry, but...I think I like it this way better for now. It’s hard if people here start seeing us together all the time...”

It was hard because she did not believe in him – did not believe in them – fully just yet, Dylan thought with a heavy feeling in his heart.


Her hesitant voice made him want to smash something. He hated that she was no longer the confident girl she once was because of his past mistakes. “I understand, babe. I just miss you. Call me as soon as you get home?”

“Yes,” she said in relief.

“Love you, babe.”

“Love you, too.”

Only ten minutes had passed but she was still thinking about their last exchange, wondering if she had been unfair to Dylan. She couldn’t keep hedging – that was what he had done in the past and it had hurt her unbearably. Was it fair to do the same thing to him?

She had to decide whether she was ready to trust him again and if she decided on yes, then she couldn’t do it in half-measures.

Impulsively turning around, Bree headed in the other direction, away from the library and towards the parking lot. She drove as fast as she could, reaching the hotel where Minuit Rouge was set to play in half the usual time.

A modeling agency was having its anniversary party, with the band chosen to headline its program. Ariadne was just coming out of the dressing room as Bree reached the backstage area. “Bree,” she exclaimed in surprised pleasure.

“Hey.” They exchanged warm hugs. Ariadne was wearing a black belly-baring cropped top and silver denim shorts, making Bree feel gauche and medieval in her shirt and cargo pants. It just made her question Dylan’s taste, wondering what in the world he ever saw in her.

“Looking for Dylan?” Ariadne asked slyly.

“I’m not trying to catch him cheating, okay? I trust him now.”

Dylan’s cousin looked at her innocently. “I believe you.”

She groaned. “I swear!”

With a laugh, Ariadne curled her arm around Bree’s. “Come on, follow me and see for yourself what a naughty boy Dylan is.”

The other girl stiffened at her words, but Ariadne ignored it, dragging her towards the stage. Standing at the edge, she moved the curtains a little to reveal the stage, where the rest of the band was interacting with dozens of scantily clad models.

Bree’s eyes widened. Dylan was still his charming self, but he was clearly using Elijah and Andre as a buffer to keep a safe distance between him and the girls. When that proved no longer effective, he had security come in to form a barrier around him. It was comical, the way he was extremely careful not to let even a single finger touch him.

Hands off, was the message Dylan Charbonneau’s every move was broadcasting, and it was ironic since he had once been the rock star that the whole world considered common property.

Hands off, she thought with a lump in her throat, because Dylan Charbonneau wanted the whole world to know he belonged to her – Bree Wyle.

He wanted them to know that even though she had been unconsciously trying to hide the fact that she belonged to him.

“H-how long’s he been like this?” she asked, swallowing.

“Since he got back into your good graces.”

She laughed. It felt like it was the first time she could really laugh, could really smile and believe the world was okay. “He...truly loves me, doesn’t he?” Bree whispered the words with awe, unable to believe it still.

Ariadne answered quietly, feelingly, “More than we’ll probably ever know.”

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