Page 46 of The Closer He Gets

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She was surprised to realize that maybe she could sleep now. In fact, she was suddenly groggy enough she could have nodded off right where she was.

“But what about you?”

“If it’s okay with you, I’ll stretch out on the couch and catch some shut-eye, too. But don’t worry—I sleep lightly.”

Tess nodded, stopped the glider and, with a major effort, stood. “I’ll get you a pillow and blanket.”


He followed her down the hall, watching as she put a pillowcase on a spare pillow. Then he took it from her along with a comforter. His eyes were a brighter blue than should have been possible in the low lighting. Dark stubble shadowed his jaw, tempting her to lift her hand to feel the texture. He glanced toward her bedroom before looking back at her.

The open bedroom door was only a few steps away. Just thinking about bed had her feeling warm enough she wanted to strip off the heavy bathrobe.

Sure, and why not the midthigh-length T-shirt nightgown beneath it?

Warmth pooled low in her belly.

Tess made herself back away. “I hope you get some sleep.” Her voice sounded odd to her ears. A little husky maybe.

“Thanks.” He cleared his throat. “Sleep tight.” His mouth quirked. “That’s what my mother always said.”

“Mine, too.” Making an awkward sideways step, she bumped the door frame and blushed. Nothing like being a klutz at a moment like this.

Moment like what? she asked herself. She was not, repeat, not, inviting him into her bed.

But, oh, she was thinking about it. In fact her whole body hummed with anticipation for something that wasn’t going to happen.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” she said more firmly as she backed into her room and closed the door.

She didn’t bother with wedging the chair beneath the doorknob.


SENIOR CRIMINAL DEPUTY ATTORNEY Christine Campbell sat one chair removed from the two male detectives who faced Zach across the table. It was as if she was making the point that she was present only as a bystander.

Her nod as the three introduced themselves was crisp and he sensed annoyance.

Both Stimson detectives had an air of experience. Detective John Clayton was the oldest, probably in his fifties. Lieutenant Niall MacLachlan might be in his early forties. His dark auburn hair was graying at the temples.

Seeing Zach’s surprise at his name, he said, “Yes, Chief MacLachlan is my brother.”

Zach nodded. The poor guy had probably had to say that a few million times.

It was Lieutenant MacLachlan who asked if he would describe the event in question—cop-speak—from the beginning, as if he hadn’t made a previous statement.

Zach began with his glance down the side street and his surprise at seeing another sheriff’s department patrol vehicle.

When he finished, it was a moment before anyone said a word.

Then DA Campbell tapped her pen on the table. “I would have preferred to be a part of this investigation from the beginning. May I ask why you retreated from your initial statement, which implied that you believed Deputy Hayes was reacting in response to an attempt to take his weapon?”

He stared at her. “What?”

Her eyes narrowed. “We were given rather sketchy notes regarding your original statement to Undersheriff Stokes, and an equally abbreviated version of your subsequent conversation with Detective Delancy.”

“I told both of them exactly what I just told you,” he said flatly. “I have felt strongly from the beginning that the investigation needed to be taken over by an impartial party.”

“I see.”

Did she? “My stance has made me rather unpopular. There has been a certain amount of pressure applied. What sounds like an editing of my original statement may have reflected a belief that I would be obedient enough to back off and let the department handle Antonio Alvarez’s death internally.” Cool it, he told himself. “They were wrong.”

Lieutenant MacLachlan said, “I’m sure you’re aware that your statement differs on many points from that of Deputy Hayes.”

“I assumed as much,” he said.

None of the three were easy to read. MacLachlan least of all. Zach had a feeling his apparently relaxed air was very deceptive. Clayton looked as if he didn’t believe Zach. DA Campbell...who knew?

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