Page 38 of Maria (Made Men 7)

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I’m gonna get you … so pray to our Father … for if I miss … I will only take one shot.


Falling in L-word

Maria shrugged her oversized, black, Givenchy purse onto her shoulder as Jerry opened the back door.

“What are the plans for the day?” Jerry asked, seeing her usual, uppity dressed self wasn’t as dressed up today.

Maria paused before getting inside the vehicle, carefully hiding the excitement that had been building since Kayne had asked her out for their first date. If the walk-on-the-line bodyguard had even the slightest fucking inkling of her real plans, he would pick her up and carry her ass right back inside over his shoulder and bolt the damn door.

“I’m having a spa day. I don’t know what your plans are,” she retorted, sliding inside the Escalade before he could answer.

The hard slam of the door showed Lucca’s last resort of a bodyguard for her wasn’t happy. Poor Jerry had only been supposed to last a week, yet he saw no relief from her anytime soon.

Settling behind the wheel, he tried to burst her bubble. “Then I guess we’re both having a spa day.”

Looking at him through the rearview mirror, Maria hid her smile with a shrug. “Suit yourself.”

Jerry’s grip slightly tightened on the steering wheel.

Damn, she missed Todd. That poor boy melted like sweet butter in her hands. Literally. He was the prefect bodyguard, or he had been before One-Shot had taken him out.

The drive wasn’t long before Jerry rudely pulled the long SUV into one of those new parking spots marked for e-charging cars. Not pushing the locks when he got out made her wonder if he really could smell trouble.

Getting out the Escalade, Maria breezed through the spa door, relieved to see Olga standing behind the counter.

“You’re right on time, Maria. Jen is ready for you. I’ll take you on back.” The elegant woman stepped out from behind the marble counter, brusquely taking her arm.

Unlike the nine steps back that she had grown used to, Jerry stayed right on her stiletto heels.

“Excuse me.” Olga tried to stop him, using her free hand to airily wave toward a discreet door to the left. “Men are not allowed in the women’s area. You must wait there. I’ll come and get you when Maria is finished with our services.”

“Well, she will not be using your services unless I’m allowed back there.”

Olga dropped her arm to turn and face Jerry head-on, her hands on her hips. “That is impossible. Our clientele demands their privacy. If you go through the doors, I’ll be in lawsuits up to my knees. And let me tell you, I haven’t built this business from the ground up for you to come in here and try to manhandle your way in. The moment Miss Caruso entered my establishment, she is under my protection, and I can assure you, her father, and her brother that not a hair on her head will be harmed. I guarantee it.”

Olga had to take a breath from the one, long-winded breath she had used to get all that out. Smiling sweetly now, she continued, “So, please, go make yourself comfortable in my lounge, and I’ll send Nina in with a caramel latte. Put your feet up, take a nap, or feel free to watch anything you’d like on my television. Like all men, you have no idea the work it takes to make us beautiful. We must keep those secrets to ourselves. Don’t we, Maria?”

Maria smiled just as sweet. “Definitely.”

Jerry seemed to be in a stupor. “But—”

“Nina!” Olga clapped her hands, calling for the other woman behind the counter who had moved hastily to her side. “Take Mr.—”

“Jerry,” Maria helped her out by quickly releasing his name, which her suit didn’t appreciate.

“Jerry, then. Relax. Tuesday is our men’s day. You really should see our esthetician for a treatment. And your nails are a wreck. Are you married?”

“No,” he snapped, curving his hands in a fist to either punch Olga or to hide his freshly bitten nails.

Giving him a pitying glance, Olga took Maria by the arm again. “I’m not surprised. Monique will have you cleaned up in no time. I’ll schedule you for the first available appointment.” She turned quickly to her assistant. “Nina, see to Jerry. I’ll get Maria settled and be back.”

Without giving Jerry an opportunity to speak, Olga ushered Maria out of the lobby through the frosted double doors.

It was everything Maria could do to keep a straight face and not to cackle with laughter at the expression on Jerry’s face.

Waiting for the door to close before clutching Olga in her arms, she had one thought: I would die for this bitch.

When the coast was clear, she finally gave her the biggest hug. “Thank you. I owe you.”

Olga grinned. She had clearly enjoyed herself back there. “You owe me nothing. I’m more than happy to help. True love is on its way, darling.”

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