Page 37 of Maria (Made Men 7)

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If this Luciano carried his biological father’s last name, would her father have spoken those same words that he had the last time she had talked with him? If it was Sal she had danced with?

Her father might have died … from happiness.

Maria saw Sal the exact same way she saw Nero, and Lucca—as a brother, but not with a single ounce of love.

Sadie somehow went even slower, drawing Maria’s second card on top of her ace to reveal a queen of hearts.

Now that, was a perfect twenty-one. Blackjack.

“Well, I’ll be damned.” Maria smiled for the first time tonight, realization hitting her. “Sal, can you do your freaky computer shit and get a phone number for me?”

Sal shook his head regretfully, watching Sadie show her weak nineteen before cleaning the table. “Sorry, but Lucca already warned me you might ask me for something like that and told me not to give it to you.”


Sadie’s eyes had practically gone as big as her boobs from hearing her call Lucca that name down here in the pit. “Maria, sweetie, I think you need a nice, relaxing day at the spa.”

“You know what”—Maria stood up with her pretty head held up high as she started picking up all her chips—“I think you’re right.”

“That’s right, girl,” Sadie agreed heavily, unsure which reason she wanted her gone more—because of Sal counting her cards, or because Maria was calling the boogieman a motherfucker.

“No,” Sal begged, trying to get Maria not to leave. “Come on, we were just getting started.”

She pretended he was no longer there.

“Actually, you can take this out from Lucca’s tab. He owes me.”

“Okay, sure, sweetie,” Sadie quickly and quietly agreed while also trying not to let the smile on her face get too big.

Maria handed her five hundred dollars’ worth of chips. “For you.”

“Thank you.” Sadie took them, throwing back her dark hair with chunky blonde highlights, then stuffing the poor chips in her already too tight bra.

Spinning on her heel to leave, Maria saw Sal’s stunned face, shocked that she had given the money to Sadie and not him, since it was practically his winnings.

“Don’t worry; this is for you.” Maria pretended to grab a chip to hand out to him but gave him one last fuck you instead, letting him see her nude nail polish up close with her favorite finger. “Have a good night!” Maria sweetly smiled at them, ready to leave.

“Cute,” Sal mumbled, picking up his untouched water.

“Oh, Maria?” Sadie clearly remembered something. “There is a third option.”

Turning with her greedy, little hands full, she could see that her friend was about to hit her with knowledge yet again. “Yeah?”

“Fuck them both.”

Sal started to choke on his water, spitting it back into the glass.

Maria guessed the woman whisperer did know what the fuck she had been talking about after all. For Sal’s sake, she did, however, spare him from her thoughts.

I think I already did.

With a hidden smile, Leo handed in his English paper and wondered how long it would take Mr. Evans to read the completely random, seven-digit number that was spelled out smack-dab in the middle of his paper.

I better get a fucking A.


How the Whole World Wept

The stark-white, almost mansion-like Caruso home stood out against the lush, green shrubbery surrounding it. The home had been lit up like a fucking Christmas tree, warm white lights hitting it at all different angles, making it appear as precious as a Smithsonian museum. Like the things in it were God’s fucking gifts to the world.

When it wasn’t.

At least, not anymore.

His eyes turned as beady as his heart had become, filled with hatred, when he saw the bedroom light flick on. That dark silhouette he could see through the window, he knew who it belonged to. The perfect, pretty, little, precious princess with the shiny gold hair that he hated to touch, swore to himself he wouldn’t, but then she had gone and fucked things up by opening her pretty mouth. Now she had to pay … with blood.

It was a pity, a waste to the world, and of a good womb, but the Carusos weren’t getting the message. They’ll get it now ….

Just how the whole world wept over the death of their favorite Princess Diana, the Carusos would weep over the loss of theirs.

The girl who thirsted for power had yet to have her biggest role, and since she was looking for one, he would give her the most important one.

Princess Maria, you will be my martyr, and in return, I can promise two things.

Eternal love and beauty, forever ingrained in the hearts of many.

The Italian leather shoes that clung to his feet as he walked slightly creased with each step. Bringing his lips together, he whistled out loud into the frigid night air, puffs of little smoke carrying the tune he sung in his head.

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